Saturday, September 4, 2010

dresses for girls The child should read the nursery song in childhood to recite the ancient poetry

The study computer typing, carries five strokes sibilant mnemonics 0.5 input method inventor Mr. Wang Yongming to arrange every day the sibilant table looks like the poem same lively rhythm, bang-bang upper opening. I carry time has heard roundly in side, turnes off a light to the evening I lie down in bed upper back time, some places cannot think,dresses for girls, she unexpectedly can prompt me. These do not have the content thing, the kid to listen at will, remembered unexpectedly is also quicker than me, I exclaim in surprise child's memory very much.

The Chinese writing contained the beauty of art originally, Mr. Zhou Zuoren was saying that the Chinese character had the game, cosmetic and musicality characteristic.

But the Chinese classical poetry has concentrated our mother tongue's essence, by its unique rhythm, the rhythmical image,(Related Articlesfashion kids clothing Comforts the child negative mood the m), special characteristics and so on artistry, is sending out enchanting and the noble makings throughout from ancient to present. I in teach to read the poem roundly in the process, has strengthened a understanding gradually, namely the child should recite the poetry massively, particularly ancient poetry.

When from round four, five years old, I start to teach her to read the ancient poetry officially. We use most early the textbook is a set has the illustration ' the baby to read the ancient poetry ', the altogether six books,Newborn Baby Clothes, more than 100 first poems, these poems are very probably short, generally has four. I read aloud these ancient poetries together frequently with her, and so on read many times have carried together again. This aspect has not made the plan, does quite optional, but because the incessancy does, goes to the elementary school before her 6 years old, these poems basically could carry.

Recent years has read some material, some people opposed that they reads the ancient poetry in the child hour await your instructions. Thought that the child did not understand, is only the parrot school remembers some syllables, therefore the proposition should teach him in childhood in the child to read the nursery song, do not recite the ancient poetry. I not too approve such viewpoint.

Art first needs the sensation, the baby study ancient poetry not again in the understanding, the ancient poetry level and oblique tones ryhme, the rhythmical image is good, the good sensation will form the understanding slowly naturally. Thought that the classical poetry strange difficult to understand, this is adult's matter, the child does not have this kind of alienation. The nursery song may teach the child some, but is unable in quantity and the quality to substitute for the ancient poetry. Each person's study time is limited,baby accessories, we should teach the best thing the child. If studies realized that massive reading aloud and recited still study the ancient poetry most classical method, this was our country tradition language teaching method, this method simple was also most effective. The book reads hundred, its righteousness from presently, the predecessor summarizes to this point very much penetratingly.

This study method looks like cuts blocks for printing simply, in fact makes sense very much.

The renowned scholar, Beijing University Chinese department Professor Mr. Qian Liqun said: Our tradition's initiation study ancient poetry has the long-time interest, also lies in the interest aspect, I thought what must pay attention, leads the child to study the classical poetry the motive certainly to be pure, must let the child at least feel purely.

Some guardians after the child back meet some poems, always requests the child to perform the back poem for the visitor; Also some guardians unceasingly haggled over that the child back meets how many heads, recites is for as if a digit; Also has the guardian to tell the child directly, a multi-back poem to writes the thesis well

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