Sunday, September 5, 2010

personalized baby gift ideas After a baby year old, eats how many only then to suffice the nutrition

The infancy, he will already make circuit with troupe says, also already might eat meal together with the adult. But, the parents still might not lower one's guard, because year-old a baby is being in the rapid growth the stage, the baby started study to walk, studies around the speech and the cognition thing, the physical strength mental ability consumption increases relatively, needs the sufficient nutrition usually to help the physical growth,personalized baby gift ideas, therefore the parents must guarantee that the baby could absorb the sufficient balanced nutrition, helped him to lay a good healthy foundation.

Some babies, his appetite is also very small, digesting system's absorbancy is very limited, he cannot eat up is also impossible to digest the absorption enough nutrient completely from solid food.

One to three year-old baby, if the nutrition by the rice, the meats, solid foods and so on vegetables provides completely, then he needs to have 3 bowls of rice (each bowl approximately is every day 2 two), the meats 140 grams (are equal to 2.82), the vegetables 210 grams ( is equal to 4.22),newborn baby clothes, fruit 2~4, fat class 3 teaspoons. We think that one to three year-old baby can eat these many foods?

Many investigations indicated that year-old an above baby trace element lacks is still very common. Because ferroguinous lacking, causes to lack the iron anemia's formation rate to reach as high as 20% in our country, but the calcareous amount of radiation, only reaches the daily required quantity generally about 50%, if the baby lacks the calcium, will then affect the skeleton and tooth's growth, if Vitamin  D will be insufficient, serious will then change has rickets and the cartilage sickness.

Therefore, guaranteed that baby's health, the nutrition expert suggested that balanced formula milk class food was still the baby diet important part. Milk class food and the solid food's proportion should be 40�?0.

Some parents will choose the fresh milk to take baby's milk class food, but fresh milk's Vitamin C,fashion kids clothes, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, the ferroguinous content will be very particularly low, it will not be baby's ideal milk class food, , but will compound specially for the baby the balanced formula milk product will be the ideal choice. As is specially one formula milk product which to four year-old baby compounds, should include the rich high quality protein, because of baby's muscle growth, organ growth, even is the immunity material production needs the high quality protein. In the formula should include the rich essential fatty acid, because of baby's cerebrum and the nervous system growth, needs the essential fatty acid. Should also contain rich calcareous and suitable Vitamin D,  promotes the baby tooth and skeleton's growth. Moreover in the formula milk is best has removed the butter (to call butterfat),(Related Articlesbaby boutique Canada Six kind of mothers are not w), because the butter can respond with the calcareous calcification, will affect the calcareous absorption. In the formula should be possible to provide enough ferroguinous, helps the prevention to lack the iron anemia. At present, various research indicated that Beta - the renieratene may help to strengthen the baby immunity, the promotion vision growth, therefore, in the formula milk joins Beta - the renieratene, then may help the baby to grow comprehensively, establishes a good healthy Conkey for them towering certainly, the milk product has many vacations, braves, the poor product, should the special attention, therefore the guardians must choose carefully.

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