Sunday, September 5, 2010

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I believed that everybody first time contacts POM is sees on-line these magnificent god arrow video frequency. Is in the fable big god dies for the dog the POM divine and wonderful spirit and aggressive development perfect. But I was also from start to pay attention to and to relate POM at that time. Slightly mixes in VS to 16 levelsre innumerable with the POM ultra god. Ultra ghost also innumerableWill chat under later with RAY to decide that also took own attainment exposes to the sun

According to convention. Let us understand this hero first:

Heroic attribute: Strength 17+1.85

Agile 20+2.75

As the Queen of night Elune asylum's under elder and the higher priest, MiranaNightshade is similar to the guard regiment in that darkness bright. The disaster army who by the raindrop common arrow vector sum she crashes the meteor which resists throngs, but her sacred existence,newborn baby gift ideas, eliminated all around allied force's weariness, lets them obtain the enormous promotion in the battlefield speed. When necessary, she can also hide shields herself and other partners,baby bibs, causes her to become the important support strength.

Analyzes may know that .POM has a good agile growthMBA firing distancenusual anemiaith awkward attacks fast as well as the good striking power

Then lets us look at her four skills:

The group star crashes Starfall

Summoned in the meteorite to create to periphery 600 scopes enemy side unit injures in .600-900 scopes the enemy side unit still to have 60% probabilities to hit; in 200 scopes a stochastic enemy side unit extra will receive -and-a-half a time volume injury the attack.



LV1: Creates 75 spots the injuries.

LV2: Creates 150 spots the injuries.

LV3: Creates 225 spots the injuries.

LV4: Creates 300 spots the injuries.

WOW00 injury AOE. Highest may achieve 450What you will think of? Right. You may use the matter which it does any you to want to do. And harvests including PUSH, FARMf you can hit others twon that person's brain definitely has a character: IMBA. However what is quite awkward is. Second possibly projects on the deceased personmida Buddha

The Queen of night arrow ElunesArrow

Projects an arrow by a fatal precise tendency place, the arrow arrow has the field of vision, to the first enemy side unit which touches causes the damage and dizzy. The dizzy time along with is away from rises,baby dolls toys, every other 150 promote 0.5 second dizzy time, most dizzy 5 seconds.

Executes the law distance: 3000

Maximum range: 2500



LV1: Creates 90 spots the injuries.

LV2: Creates 180 spots the injuries.

LV3: Creates 270 spots the injuries.

LV4: Creates 360 spots the injuries.

This is POM is discussed most skills. It causes POM to slight the law becomes interesting. Also enables POM to have ornamental and the assassination capital. He and the group star crash COMBO may achieve high 710ut what must pay attention is. .1500 distances may faint to 5 seconds. But in common situation. Does not need to pursue that 5 seconds. When because you catch up with from that distance. Creates the effect and catches up with from 3 second distance is the same. Possibly you also need to use up a caper. It is not cost-effective.

Jumps Leap

Female of priest's the month saddle horse jumps forward, she in the jump process is not invincible. The saddle horse roars after the landing forms a sphere of action is 800 continues 10 second corona, the promotion friend side hero's attack speed and the traveling speed.



LV1: The caper is away from 400, promotes 4% attack speed and the traveling speed.

LV2: The caper is away from 450, promotes 8% attack speed and the traveling speed.

LV3: The caper is away from 500, promotes 12% attack speed and the traveling speed.

LV4: The caper is away from 550,(Related ArticlesKids pants [research]Deep research about ant doubl), promotes 16% attack speed and the traveling speed.

This skill is one good runs away the body skill and chases down and kills the skillut what must pay attention is he has BUFF!!! BUFF!!! BUFF!!!!

Month dark surface MoonlightShadow

Shields itself by the dim light of night and other all friend side hero, enters the stealth condition. In duration, even if the stealth condition is broken, can also restore in such a short time.



LV1: Continues for 7 seconds, 2.5 second restoration stealth time.

LV2: Continues for 9 seconds, 2 second restoration stealth time.

LV3: Continues for 11 seconds, 1.5 second restoration stealth time.

This skill majority of time are used for to escaperagedyut this skill and ZUESSPE and the prophet are equally actually the entire screen auxiliary skillAt competition's time definitely may share gives the teammate. Causes them to obtain time successful GANK or, in the group fights obtains takes the initiative.

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