Monday, August 23, 2010

baby dolls Deep affection of the Story of the Stone seventh night of the seventh lunar month [is ou

This active all prizes and the transport expense provide by the Story of the Stone special counter, wants to understand more commodities welcome to: flirts to express one's ideas, the stone can speak

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Happy seventh night of the seventh lunar month soon arrived, your spouse has prepared the gift? Comes, came 3861 Chinese mother and child net to be outstanding your once happiness, once move and so on loved the signal, had the opportunity to obtain the website careful preparation the Story of the Stone prize, let us in the Chinese valentine day recount on and on two fell in love the heart, transmitted with the stone loves Italy, transmitted between the husbands and wives most beautiful love Italy, let us have a happy seventh night of the seventh lunar month.

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Participation time: Today--On August 22 stops
Result announcement time: On August 25

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5th,(Related Articlescute baby bibs Parrot fire fighting), will not conform to the subject to transfer to other corresponding sectors.

Participates in the number of times: Does not limit

weird gifts for kids DOTA burrow weaver master attainment Special troop outstanding person, ant elde

DOTA burrow weaver, also calls the ant, has belonged to the CW edge hero, the passer-by fights compares the force, in the competition is also easy to restrain.

Played the DOTA nearly 3 years, liked regarding the hero transforming unceasingly, from DK which and big fish person just started, Bainiu to present habitually using hidden thorn, weekend, bat, was in fashion with the ant elder brother! Basically the DOTA majority heroes are familiar with. For all this, myself pace back and forth in the new military recruits level. Therefore, the following has not being able to write place to ask each position to show mercy, do not scold too certainly!

Since, this new military recruits have used these many heroes, only then ant (NW) gives me one kind of very convenient feeling! No matter the mobility or the output speed, are I see well (had thought personally ant's mobility has other flies shoes' hero to be stronger than on a spot, then time output speed and small black and is in fashion firepower is nearly equal)! But most important, is he shrinks, 4 levels shrink only then 120 spot injuries to look like apparent not high, but wins in shrinks the place the stealth effect and the CD time short and consumes the evil spirit to be low, oppresses others, the sneak attack, chases down and kills, escapes, rescues slow cannot leave shrinks the place 522 terminal velocity migration, in has not controlled the skill and under the counter-hidden condition, wants to kill the ant to have plants on difficulty with the blue sky feeling. If one does not pay attention, is had the possibility which by NW with C crosscut saw several matches free returns to the city! Possibly some people will say that my this author disregarded the devil, the burrow, neutrel of the fire female has killed the hero. Non-! I believed that although NW is also a crisp skin, but has plenty of such people with his equally crisp skin, do not forget the NW time to flow backwards, T next time to 5 seconds ago, if uses well, that does not have the shade not to have the trace. With NW, must use to mysteriously appear and disappear,(Related Articlessmocked children's clothes [Blog] Neotv. Zhouning), if turns the sea wicked flood dragon, enters the cloud to leap the dragon, must achieve sees not to see the tail. Changed the subject, spoke the straight talk! Simple spot, if monkey's mysteriously appearing and disappearing is refers to is confusing the enemy in public, that ant mysteriously appears and disappears is must achieve with the hidden thorn is the same, near permanent stealth in hidden place! Does not come out but, as soon as entered the stage is not frightens these crisp skin's enemy to tremble with fear is lets opposite party in chase down and kill died melancholy on the way! Certainly, must achieve mysteriously appears and disappears must achieve first knows other, how to know other? Ant's scarabaeus is the very good spy, provides the enemy the trend at the same time also to have the skill to control, moreover quantity also many, 8! If the numerous quantity's insects have not been able to enable you to grasp the match trend that only to be able to explain what you is really in new military recruits' new military recruits, that asked you not to play DOTA, changed plays some not to use the ponder the game! What but is most ruthless is the insect endures the evil spirit skill, so long as your technology suffices hardly, after supposing the trap, ambushes beforehand the match introduction in good insect, the small scope endures the evil spirit simultaneously to add on the injury, if master, then did not have companion's rescue is dies has decided that moreover in the trap, NW which half god installed the hero who was already lost in thought to installs does not see can result in inferior how many! Imagines, the insect drills one by one from explodes, you probably will have one kind to do one will have pulled lamp's feeling!

Also changed the subject, said proper, generally speaking, from very long before starts, ant's change was not big, what the attribute growth compares the soul and so on is in a gauge the moment hero, what but is fatal is his blood is too really low, 6 and the devil or the fire female put one big move basic already to hit the NW blood see the bottom, therefore I thought that the earlier period NW should support the blood, certainly, was not said that must leave the spoliator and so on mid and late part attire. Is goes out (the blood bottle 1+ trees blue by my general fighting method 1+ 1, then looked that the opposite heroic lineup and estimated hit who on that road the match is, looks that the situation leaves other, if just carried the pig, bat and so on is 3 branch +1 charm reels. If the devil, the fire female and so on attribute supports the blood to be blue, but is in fashion, the month rides and so on after the crisp skin leaves 2 +3 sensitive feet, gathers the poor devil shield, meets DK, roams about and so on +2 attribute again +1,2 blue), after my custom is the first poor devil shield, gathers an artificial leg. Said that the process, the earlier period installs (around 5~10 minutes): The artificial leg + poor devil shield +2 blood bottles +1 already gathered the good magic club (this dispensable), conservative estimate NW should 6 levels of ~9 levels, skill 2,3,4,1, if 10 levels of 0.1 levels 1 puts the river course to look at F, actually 1,2 skills are look at opposite lineup, if opposite has TF, the polygonum multiflorum this kind of Chang Zhuoren 1 level 2, the host rises 1 to make the eye, if your eye puts is good you the teammate to seize, then he is the pig, you might open scolded! To intermediate stage (10~16 minutes): Artificial leg + poor devil (either cutting edge) + demon (or illusory image) + crystal + magic club +2 blood bottles. Sufficed the dreadful words already to have 1 blood or several numbers of people, the poor devil already traded the cutting edge and the illusory image, this premise was the running free bureau has not died slightly has crossed does not raise. Later period (15~25 minutes): At this time basic was already a foregone conclusion, is not you oppresses others is the human presses you. The running free words were artificial leg + illusory image + cannon +HY (either blood essence or Jin Banghuo the butterfly) and have controlled the competition, was not smooth also has the illusory image + artificial leg + quartz. Basic I to 20 minutes about already was the artificial leg + illusory image + cannon + magic club +2,3 blood bottles, at this time basic had already finished, so long as the teammate is not a pig, fosters the god others, opposite was already projected on by you withdraws takes care of the household in the high ground! Certainly, half god's NW will also have will be melancholy, tried the once my teammate pig 12 minute the opposite scoter to raise Yang Daohe to fly the shoes also to prepare the ice armor, will remind him to select dreadfully is also cursed back by him, TMD will most dislike in this kind of trash scouring! Suggested that these people have a look at 10 big discipline which the new military recruits should look, otherwise do not play DOTA!

Also changed the subject again, returns to the original topic, the reason that does not leave HY to have the reason first, needs to know, the HY price is not low, the earlier period jumps ships out HY NW to be very frail, a devil referred to or a polygonum multiflorum double hit by KO, let alone by KO several times HY, the illusory image could not also be left, only if were the running free bureau, was suitable very much that kind, otherwise did not suggest that the HY. earlier period bought first blue and adds the leg + strength and the poor devil,weird gifts for kids, was mainly suppresses with C the match and supported the blood and A hero's time goes against dogface's attacking, notice earlier period several heroes has not receivedHas 7,8 C, if the opposite results in by C the blood to see from the very beginning yellow has not returned fully, but you also had 3,4 level of such 1 blood medium books are you take! As for the illusory image, that did not need saying that Canada attacked Canada to attack fast moreover confuses at the same time the enemy except to attach the powder the condition. The cannon is harvests the number of people not high the capital, the crystal fatality 6,7 only then 1 the fatality, the cannon is 3,4 1 fatal, did not need me to say! In addition does several things at the same time the attack, basically below 2000 blood put in an appearance in several already saw has lowered, according to person's directed thinking, he will want to run away, if he ran away teammate's place that you not to pursue! That feared that he returned to the water seepage quickly! Only if he is G, may see your that is the true body, if once had GB with the soul in quickly by KO time and I bring in new blood, at that time I just cropped up do several things at the same time, including attacked on has not been hit to his body on by him sees the red blood, that do not fluster, if flustered that you instead to kill! T returns to 5 seconds ago, dies dies, NW hits is a prometaphase, later period is not HY is plundering, the blood fine brace blood, several hundred very quick made, but must pay attention to the situation, what I said was the running free bureau, if were not running free, met SB teammate that not to cling to for dear life, hauled with the match, if you instead is also killed in Man Xue to the full blood's situation in that to prove that you not were also very inexpensive and dreadful, the psychology and the technology waited for strengthening! But the golden stick, some people said that can with 3 skill double hit counter-balances, not know is really, because my cannon basic already hit the match remnant or explodes directly the base! Several times has Jin Bang not to pay attention has been able to counter-balance the double hit! My alloy stick's reason is mainly favors Jin Bang making first move and getting control, the butterfly and HY needs to look at the situation equally to leave, the match is the PA and so on high physics injury is certainly suppresses also needs to suppress one to have the fending equipment, or supports with him attacks, who has a look at to output injures high, because the brace attacks basically represents the blood to be low, uses your 2 skill superiority and he consumes! Said these many, with NW nothing but is 3 character knacks, inexpensive,baby girls, entangles, including inexpensive, is the purport suffices dreadfully, the pro and con makes up the soldier, the match crops up I to use the C pressure, the opposite to disappear fortifies at every step, makes up knife's time braves the glans or has pulled runs about all over wildly! Entangles, is must cling to for dear life to the match hits rottenly, looks like the ghost to be haunted by the ghost equally, the match crops up with every effort projects on him meets the water seepage to go, the earlier period has the chicken he also to return, does not compensate the words he was your number of people! Including, was said that difficult also difficult to say easy also easy, was if wanted the means to let the match complete the order form, struck the match set's lineup disperses, then defeat in detail,children's clothes shops, as well as the entire audience continuous disturbance and chased down and killed! This very difficult to explain, because I study not earnestly, the literature level is not good, also how doesn't know to analyze, was in any case with many NW had known how to link! Finally most important has a look at the match to have the gem and Chang Chazhen the eye, this is very important, otherwise you will use NW to use very much melancholy! The most tail, the little brother is willing to listen in reverent attention each Lu Dashen appraisal! Many thanks!

DOTA burrow weaver's Shui You the attainment stops. Welcome to the DOTA sector participation discussion.

cool baby bibs Not the willingness to meet somebody half way precociously affects the child health g

Yesterday was 61 children's days, child's safety and the health receives the attention. The child early puberty is many guardian very issue of concern. But actually anything is the early puberty, which reasons can cause the early puberty, how to avoid the human factor pressing to send the early puberty, must clarify these questions as child's guardian.

>> mistakes the early puberty, the child adds the pressure

Child's healthy development is each family important matter. In recent years, the early puberty is fried the heat, night of between children turned the early puberty as if, has many knows the erroneous zone.

13 year-old second day female student small red, head length to one meter 65, moreover the chest is obviously more plentiful than the same age female student, is a slim and graceful girl completely likely. This day, several teachers are pulling the idle talk, said: Is this child a little the early puberty? Teacher has no intention to chat unexpectedly is heard by a schoolmate, several days, have not spread among schoolmates: Small red is the early puberty, our teachers such said. After hearing the rumor small to feel red is embarrassed, always open and bright she also becomes little says the widowed language, is not willing with schoolmates to associate, finally produces unexpectedly became fed up study the mood, is not willing to arrive at the school to go to school again. The parents understood after the situation, also very much worried, suspected the child is really has suffered from the early puberty. Finally they decided that asks the expert the belt child to the city hospital internal secretion branch to examine looked. The expert examines looked, gives the conclusion: Child all growth are normal, simply is not the early puberty.

In recent years, our country people culture life, the material life level universal enhancement, the city people living standard enhanced particularly is quicker. The following child's physiological growth generally is also ahead of time, this kind of phenomenon has created the illusion for many teachers and the student guardians, this kind of child classification is the early puberty very easily. In fact along with living standard's enhancement, the child physiology growth with the early puberty is the two matters ahead of time. If girl 9 year old of breast growth but she has not come the menstruation, this is the growth early,cool baby bibs, should not regard as the early puberty.

The so-called early puberty, was refers to the girl 8 year old of before breast to start to grow, 10 years old came the menstruation; The boy 9 year old of before voice change, had the Adam's apple, the penis increases. In recent years, some teachers and the student guardian smattered to the early puberty, was too vigilant to the child physiology growth, sees the child second sexual character growth to suspect that has suffered from the early puberty, has created the nonessential pressure to the child. Once some children decide as by teacher and the guardian the early puberty, more or less will present some psychological barrier, like will become estranged the friend, the rejection and other people contact and so on. As the parents,(Related Articlesaward winning toddler toys The industry will condu), suffers from early puberty's child facing the suspicion, even is the diagnosis for early puberty's child, cannot display heavyheartedly, must tell the child as far as possible gently, each person can grow, the growth is a good deed, may cause the human becomes intelligent, has the strength to have the altitude, but the precocity a little will be too troublesome, therefore the parents suggested that you will eat from now on little to explode the chicken leg, very much will exercise the body, will grow up equally with schoolmates? The parents will not talk into the early puberty the disasters, the child will not appear the excessive panic point of view, in the disposition will not become the self-closing, the diet regulation and doctor's therapeutic schedule also easy to obtain child's coordination.

>> the child early puberty, is careful the tumor to cause trouble

Recent years discovered that the child early puberty boy, more than 50% is particularly because some military iffucer tumor causes pseudo early puberty. If the pituitary gland tumor, the pituitary gland cyst, the brain tumor and so on, causes to press the gonadotrophic hormone the unusual secretion, thus the stimulation reproductive organ presents some with the early puberty similar performance. The above situation through the inquiry medical history, makes the electroencephalogram and absorbs the head X piece, or the special radiography as well as the endocrine inspection, may obtain the diagnosis.

Moreover, if the girl contracts the ovary benignity or the malignant tumor, so long as the tumor includes the endocrine function cell, may also cause the similar early puberty's symptom and the symptom. Therefore, some early puberty's girl, was actually steadily the tumor ovarii, what especially was common was the length has been possible to secrete the estrogen the ovarian cysts. These tumor secretion's estrogen, can cause the breast, the vulva and the endometrium has the proliferative change, but the ovary has not ovulated, does not have the possibility which becomes pregnant,organic baby gifts, thus does not belong to the true early puberty. After the tumor is excised, not the normal second sexual character performance along with it vanishing. The tumor causes the early puberty besides will have the obvious second sexual character to have also the concurrent some other symptoms, like the vision change (brain tumor oppression optic nerve will cause), will walk exceptionally (tumor oppression related efferent nerve to cause) and so on performance, these exceptionally will be helpful in make the correct diagnosis. In addition, some and germ cells irrelevant sickness, also will sometimes cause the hypophysis secretion to press the gonadotrophic hormone, will cause the girl to have the similar early puberty's symptom. For example the primary thyroid function is low, may have early puberty's performance. Its reason is when the thyroid function is low, the pituitary gland presses the thyroxine releasing hormone to increase, this kind of hormone not only presses the thyroxine to the pituitary gland to have the promotion release's function, moreover to presses the gonadotrophic hormone to have the promotion release's function, thus presents early puberty's performance.

>> avoids the human factor pressing to send the child early puberty

Although as a result of the social progress, present's family life condition becomes superior, the nutrition was improved, disease reduction and so on favorable factor has accelerated the child growth and the growth, but this causes the child early puberty's primary factor. The child early puberty is mainly because some social factor and some not correct habits and customs create.

Environmental pollution:

As a result of the detergent, the agricultural chemicals and the plastic industry factory to the environment emissions deleterious substance and the decomposition material, the nature have produced a series of environment class hormone pollutant. The organic chlorine agricultural chemicals massive release farmland, causes in the soil, in the water and plant's content markup, these pollutant degrades in the nature after the certain extent, was discovered that has the estrogen type activeness. Environment estrogen material influence, regardless of being the vegetables, fruits and melons, meats food, includes the high dose estrogen. Therefore, protects the environment protects our next generation.

Including hormone food:

At present in the market sells is the meat chicken, but feeds in the meat chicken's feed to include the hormone, otherwise the chicken not long that big, will then be quick. Therefore, the child wants little to eat this kind of meat chicken. Now can see and the season not symbol fruit in the main street and small alley. It is known that to shift to an earlier time going on the market, the fruit farmer will sometimes use the contrary technique to the fruit accelerate ripening. If the long-term edible accelerate ripening's fruits and melons, will cause some children to grow the disorder, will have the early puberty. Besides accelerate ripening, real estate fruit often because of long-distance transport, but needs to carry on to the fruit maintains freshness, but in the antistaling agent also includes the hormone. Therefore, should buy as far as possible cautiously regarding some premature delivery's fruit, eats seasonable or the true counter-season fruits and vegetables, but the child must avoid mouth immediate contact these fruits as far as possible the epidermis.

Eats food supplements blindly:

The tonic causes one of child early puberty's prime culprits. Some guardians often eat to the child increase the appetite, the longan healthy brain's healthy product, have never realized,kids clothing, in the middle of these tonics includes the hormone ingredient frequently, takes for a long time, may cause in the child blood's hormone level rise, thus causes the child early puberty. The research discovered that the royal jelly preparation, the pollen preparation, fries in oil tonics and so on silkworm chrysalis to be able to cause the early puberty.

Contraceptive and adult cosmetics:

The child eats the guardian contraceptive to be possible by mistake to cause the early puberty. The child for a long time uses the adult also causes one of early puberty's reasons with the cosmetics. Therefore, must place using the medicine contraception's guardian the medicine the place which the child is not easy to attain. The young child wants to use the child special-purpose skin care thing.

Contacting information:

Not only in the nowadays information society, the child may gain from the television to has the natural suggestion picture massively, moreover may from the newspaper, in the network contact the natural information. The child contacted have been many, could premature stimulate child psychology, caused them to have the early puberty ahead of time finally.

The early puberty may cause the child to have the psychological behavior (puppy love, masturbation and so on) and the height grows stops ahead of time. If the guardian will not give takes seriously possibly to cause the child to lose the best treatment opportunity, will create lifelong regretted. Therefore the reminder guardian, the child presents the breast growth, after leaving the Adam's apple and so on mild early puberty symptom, should take the remedial measure immediately.

kids clothes My spoils of war fragrant melon

Yesterday got off work to go home in the fruiterer's shop to buy two in a big way,kids clothes, fragrant white melon, as soon as went in sees, good attractive, asked that boss how much money one catty,(Related Articleskids clothing The Chengdu nearly 2000 students enj), was 3 Yuan/catties, this melon was good, good fragrant, good sweet,This boss will really be will do business, such saying wants to buy, because compared before was cheap many, therefore has chosen two attractively, has spent 6 Yuan,unique baby bibs, one one catty, went back opens one to eat, really good sweet, but that skin was crisp, but Pi Dao not how delicious, but this Pi Haohou, before when home, father and mother had plant, was the including packaging eats together,homemade star wars kids costumes, therefore I wanted this kind also to be, has been possible my family husband actually saying that must peel, thereforeI said that the such expensive fruit peels, many are not cost-effective,(I am thought any fruit nutrition Pi Yaobi meat has nutrition, therefore wants him to eat is also is good for him) hee heeTherefore he eats time had half to eat, I have not folded, will not buy this kind thick-skinnedly next time, must buy that our thin spot skin's muskmelon!

discount kids clothes In the child room must prevent the flowers and plants pollution

The clear mother is deeply in love in the flowers and plants, not only has suspended 2-3 troughs in own bedroom, but also puts a trough attractive foreign embroidered ball to the clear room. The result less than several days, clearly itches on the whole body, the skin had the nettle rash, doctor said that was clear the allergic dermatitis, the chief culprit is the foreign embroidered ball.


In the child room puts flowers and plants, appears more beautiful somewhat, the good - - many guardians thought like this, but the expert actually wants not to say.

First, the child (is specially certain pollen) the allergic proportion has been greatly high to the flowers and plants the adult. Such as the southern magnolia, the foreign embroidered ball, the Japanese rhodea, flowers and plants' and so on jasminum nudiflorum stems,(Related Articlescute girls clothes Corrects child's overstepping the limit not eagerly), the leaf, the flower possibly induces babies and infants' skin sensibility; But the cactus, the cactus, plant whole bodies and so on damnacanthus indicus plum are covered with the sharp thorn, extremely easy puncture wound babies and infants' tender and delicate skin,discount kids clothes, even causes the skin, mucous membrane dropsy.

Next, certain flowers and plants' stem, the leaf, the flower includes the toxin, for example Japanese rhodea's branches and leaves include some kind of toxin,kids costumes, after the entrance, the direct stimulation oral cavity mucous membrane, serious will also cause the throat mucous membrane hyperemia,weird gifts for kids, dropsy, will cause to swallow even the scant of breath. If has eaten the sweet-scented oleander by mistake, the babies and infants namely will present the vomit, the abdominal pain, the stupor and so on all sorts of acute poisoning symptom. Also like narcissus flower's corm looks like the fruit very much, after harming the food, then has the vomit, the abdominal pain, the diarrhea and so on acute gastritis symptom.

Once more, many flowers and plants, specially the precious flower different grass, can send out richly wonderful fragrant. But the long time stays in the rich fragrance environment, has the possibility to drop babies and infants' sense of smell sensitivity and reduces the appetite.

Moreover, baby metabolism is exuberant, the oxygen requirement are many, the flowers and plants often at night absorption oxygen, emit the carbon dioxide, reduced the indoor oxygen density, its harm it can be imagined.

Guard countermeasure:

Child room suitably by neat, the health, safe is a principle, avoids laying aside the flowers and plants or other possibly produces the harm thing to the baby.

baby gift The parents love 11 foolish matters which does

1. the child wants to play the mud, we said: Too dirty, cannot play!
Illustration: Has eliminated the right which the child plays,baby gift, has pinched out the instinct which the child plays,kids clothing, has blocked the child to the thing cognition,baby accessories, reduced child's exploration space

2. the child thinks to eat meal, we said: Does everywhere is; Food coldMother feeds!
Illustration: Child's independent consciousness, child's beginning ability like this is strangled

3. the child some are uncomfortable, we said: The treasure,(Related Articlesunique baby gifts make How to give the child to choose the most appropriate desk), on us the hospital, arranged the needle to be good! Doctor, with a good medicine!
Illustration: We blind and ignorant cause the child to become the glass person who directly lacks the resistivity, lets him suffer more indispositions to suffer with the medical wound, let world many how many bear the medicine fungus and incurable disease

green baby gift baskets The death scarecrow misfortune's vaticinator scarecrow enters the step attai

The participation forum discusses:

Translator's words: What myself adopt is the Chinese and English comparison translation, the main purpose is lets in everybody understanding official website English card structure and the deepening to its understanding, LOL domestic did not have after all, but compares depending on the spectrum channel arrives at the official net's forum to read foreigner's card. And somewhat belongs to individual style question, does not represent this website and forum's viewpoint. For the convenience does not want to study English but to want to understand captures comrades, I added the pure Chinese translation in bilingual comparison's behind, welcome to read.

The misfortune is heroic not one which present up to I most like,(Related Articleskids toys Nock SARS),green baby gift baskets, I already used him to play many competitions. Although everybody controls his style to be widely divergent, but regardless of in the low level, the medium level or in the high level competition he gives the human the impression to be profound.

1) prepares before the game: The heroic data as well as summons the teacher to mold

Vaticinator's data is under:

Striking power [||........]

Life value [|||.......]

Black magic [||||||||.]

Begins the difficulty [|||.......]






The passive skill is frightened: Reduces the enemy side hero black magic resistance 16

[Q] is panic-stricken: Threatens a goal in the [1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0] second. Consumes a [65/85/105/125/145] black magic. From 525

[W] life absorption: Absorbs [50/75/100/130/160] + (to execute law intensity *0.4) the life/second to continue for 6 seconds. Consumes the [80/100/120/140/160] black magic. Cools for 12 seconds. From 450

wind of the [E] darkness: Causes 100+ (to execute law intensity *.35) an injury, and ejection [3/5/7/9/11] time, had hits the same end several times probability (back and forth ejection). Creates silences for 0.75 second. Consumes a [50/70/90/110/130] black magic. From 600

[R] crow storm: Recites for 2 seconds, then flickers moves to the vaticinator to the goal place,infant baby clothes, and by crowd of crow attack periphery enemy. Causes [170/250/330] + (to execute law intensity *0.4) to injure each second to side all enemies,nike kids shoes, continues for 5 seconds. Consumes the [200/300/400] black magic .800 scopes


baby boutique clothing Really vast mischievous 2 3 matters

That day telephones to go home time. Really vast paternal grandmother and really vast daddy when telephone conversation. Really vast paternal grandmother had not seen all of a sudden really vast,baby boutique clothing,(Related Articlestop toddler toys The small pine promotes many kind), he escaped his shoe. As soon as put on his paternal grandmother's request shoes to play to the kitchen in 0.1 pulls open the disinfection cabinet beats fled the bowl. His grandfather takes the root stick to set the example to want to hit himne side afterward the stick placed grandfather to work. He poured takes the stick to hit his grandfather first.

His grandfather scolded him. Said that really vast is not clever. Really vast is not obedient. We did not lead you. Delivers three water you to go. Delivers your father mother there. Was really by now vast also really to arrive at the entrance to go also to point at outside. Between lips was saying is assorted. Probably was saying. Walks,cool kids clothes, then walks,baby gear Wholesale, opens the door. Paternal grandmother teases grandfather brings about the desired sensation is not happy is not ........

He now good fierce. The temperament is also big. You get angry to him. He also gets angry to you. You scold his him also to scold you. He is also more ominous than your adult. Grandfather paternal grandmother takes him not to have the means. I also said to them could not too favor him. This tube must manage. Otherwise later will be serious.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

handmade baby gift ideas The treasure diary 58th issue loves the beautiful stench the small treasur

On July 16 Friday, today was the time which this week of last day went to school,handmade baby gift ideas, in the morning got out of bed lets the treasure clean the teeth in the same old way washes the face,kids clothing, to gripped braid's time has the problem. Every day I will ask what the treasure does grip today? Because the treasure too loved the beautiful stench, every day must grip the dissimilar hairstyle, if do not use according to hers request she to cry to express the protest.
This is familiar with me to think that is not I fosters, is kindergarten teacher fosters. In the treasure class has Mr./Mrs. Zhong the human to be good, each time the treasure is on vacation from school in the background braid is dissimilar with early morning, using an alternative grips the different lovable braid, therefore the treasure likes specially. Today the treasure tells me to need to grip that kind of mermaid's braid which Mr./Mrs. Zhong grips. I am vacant,(Related Articlesgirls coats Milk immediate influence child intelli), because on me the evening class, returned to family's time treasure already to take a bath yesterday, like this I did not look day before teacher gripped style. Behind the treasure said likely tail such. Finally gripped the series braid to keep a tail from top to bottom to the bottommost. After gripping,retro kids clothing, the treasure traces goes through a strategic pass reluctantly. The rejoicing treasure has not looked too much today troublesome.
Saw treasure I was thinking like this I must go to net over a hundred degree N to grip hair's style, will let treasure one day of new hairstyle another day, such treasure will not make a tearful scene, moreover affirmed that ultra will like me hee hee.

infant baby clothes Two girls play on the railway rail by the train are hit perish

The train hits

Two girls perish

The matter sends the Minhou this synchronizing watches sisters respectively is 8 years old and 6 years old

Reporter investigates the matter to send the road section hidden danger major accident to be many

Yesterday morning 9:00, the Minhou day became in the kindergarten kindergarten class for six and seven year olds on a hall music class hour,infant baby clothes, teacher is very strange, in class's golden voice, usually most loved Xiao Yu who led the chorus the child, has not come to go to school unexpectedly.

What teacher did not know, a half hour ago, the train which speeds away when passes through nearby the Minhou sugar cane station, hits to two little girl who railway rails on plays. Xiao Yu (alias) is, she and older female cousin Zhang Yun (alias) got killed in this accident suddenly.

Therefore the scene approximately has hundred meter far from the Minhou station platform.

These two children are hit by the train fly had more than 5 meters. According to a station staff said that a train, when he does an inspection here, discovered that nearby the railway rail is lying down unexpectedly a little girl, on the side roadbed also but actually. Pours nearby the railway rail on girl, the forehead hits on the cement pile 0.2 people are from top to bottom the bloodstain directly. Thought that just the process train, he judged, the girl is hit by the train.

Hears the news 120 confirmations which catches up with, 6 year-old Xiao Yu already died at the scence .8 year-old Zhang Yun at that time also to have the vital signs, but after escorting to the hospital, because the injury serious rescue invalid death.

Caressed daughter's ice-cold small body, Xiao Yu daddy Xiao your welfare in this autumn season was saying that their went to school for the convenient daughter, has rented the house nearby the railroad. Yesterday in the morning, he and the wife belt were falling ill anxiously the second daughter went to the county hospital to go see a doctor,gifts for kids, comes yu to deliver not anxiously big daughter Xiao the kindergarten, had to give her a nearby relative to replace temporarily the attendance.

Had not thought that in the morning one should not be do part forever. Xiao your welfare in this autumn season rushes to the scene time, discovers and at the same time the daughter is hit, but also has his wife's table niece to open Yun.

These two children are the elder female cousins, outside in the morning how doesn't know to run up to comes. Xiao your welfare in this autumn season said that Zhang Yun's family in this iron leg roadside, the estimate is two children does not pay attention while adult, runs the railroad from the alley to play, only then encounters to unfortunately.

If the railway rail nearby two seals up, or on the railroad does an inspection the worker discovered earlier these two children, will not have the family members who the such accident 0.2 children will catch up with like this to say.

Immediately investigation:

Railroad along the route nearly hundred meters

The passer-by may go through at will

Reporter investigates the discovery, the matter sends the railroad to clamp in Chen Dianhu between the industrial district and the inhabited area, the surroundings partial road sections gather round the guard rail, but the resident still might go through at will. Reporter counts the discovery, 10 minutes to do not have 5 residents to pass through directly from the railway rail.

A worker said that in this industrial district has more than 30 enterprises, several hundred people majority rent in the railroad opposite, usually the coming and going to work is walks directly from the railroad. If front detours to across a bridge, must approach 20 minutes, moreover usually also such walks.

After the accident occurs, in approaches nearby the inhabited area one side railway rail on, but also leaves leeway an iron gate, a worker is building a wall stops up the gate to get up. The child is runs from here, now has had an accident, they only then the goalkeeper stops up. Xiao the family relative said that on this road passes through on railway rail's gate also to have three like this directly, each gate has not locked, also has not seen some people to guard, one day of 24 hour may pass in and out at will.

How long did these guard rails only then install, nearby resident Sister Chen had not said that some guard rails only used the iron wire to be fixed, very easy to be opened down by the human. Some guard rails install specially high, as soon as under kept very big spatial, the human has bent the waist slightly can drill.

Our first time caught up with! A sugar cane train station's person in charge said that usually railroad some people do an inspection, to bump into cross railroad's person, can perform to stop. But guard rail crack which questioned regarding the scene resident, this person in charge actually has not responded.

This road section accident sends much

The management oversight is not allow to neglect

in August, 2009, some freight vehicle is hit turns. Lived said in nearby Mr. Wang that the railway rail both sides guard rail, the caution sign installment did not arrive, sometimes linked the road junction against guard rail not to have lays down promptly. Last year had when a freight vehicle passed through, by a freight transportation train is hit turns, luckily nobody casualties.

Not only that reporter inquires the discovery, the only 09 years occur in the identical railway division to the few 3 similar accidents: In last March, a woman hugged the baby to cross the railroad to hit flies, two people died; In April, when a worker crosses the railroad, speeds away the train which comes to hit, unfortunately died for .8 months, a woman crossed the railroad to hit flies, the injury serious.

Frequent doesn't the such occurrence accident, why try to find solution to prevent everybody to put on the railway rail? Mr. Wang questioned, so long as nearby two can pass through the railroad on track's export, all uses the brick to block. Or is sends the specialist all-weather,(Related Articlesgifts for kids Walks randomly captures in troop ed), in the coming and going to work peak defends specially nearby the railroad,infant baby clothes, will renovate period of time definitely to have the effect.

Mr. Wang suggested that specially the road junction road section, may additionally build the caution light, or is increases blows a whistle and so on installments. He said that he once listened to the passing driver to chat, said here easiest to have an accident, the staff who defends the road junction even often when the train passes through, has not laid down the guard rail. Such is usually careless, now et al. did die only then started to build a wall, what are better late than never have to use?

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This year only then our family of three, have been simple and is warm. Prepares food also wants simple, noon only has made three vegetables, all has eaten to eat all one's food, evening does a lot selects. Will result in stationary point to eat next year,(Related Articlesorganic baby gift baskets The LoL hero alliance base company captures the outstanding auxiliary nimb), ha-ha
This is the noon does, has the shrimp,cute girls clothes, has the chicken,little girls clothes, but also has the vegetables,
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The evening needs to select richly,unique personalized baby gifts, has six vegetables, 66 Dashun,
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In addition has the red wine. Also good.

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Recently, take the student nutrition breakfast as the subject "Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou Three Place Elementary student Breakfast Eating behavior Investigation" reported that is alive the abundant New Zealand hall official issue. This report issued by the Shanghai student nutrition and the healthy promotion agency that is for the purpose of appealing the entire society pays attention to the student nutrition question. The investigation showed that more than 50% elementary student breakfast structure is unreasonable,kids costumes, many guardians thought that the nutrition breakfast is the milk adds the bread. Has the nutriology expert also language to leave astonishingly, the milk adds the egg the breakfast not to be unscientific, the edible this kind of breakfast's child 30% result are not good.

The milk adds the bread not to be equal to the student nutrition breakfast

An item named "Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou Three Place Elementary student Breakfast Eating behavior Investigation" the sampling questionnaire carries on three place 30,000 elementary student. This investigation through to three place elementary student's breakfast present situation analysis, is for the purpose of understanding that youth's breakfast behavior custom, affects the breakfast behavior the important attribute, and for the thorough student nutrition breakfast work, improves the student nutrition breakfast quality to provide the scientific basis. The investigation result showed:

1st, approximately some 15%-25% elementary students cannot insist every day has the breakfast. Does not have the breakfast the reason many to not to have the appetite, does not have the time, loses weight or other.

2nd, the overwhelming majority elementary student's breakfast is the guardian prepares, eats time which the breakfast spends in 20 minutes, has half elementary student only to use 10 minutes probably to have the breakfast. The breakfast feed speed is generally quick.

3rd, elementary student's breakfast is mainly by the cereal, the milk class and the egg class is composed, breakfast edible vegetables, fruit and meats custom proportion insufficient 20%, has the elementary student who and the guardian surpasses half thought that the breakfast does not need the vegetables and the fruit, the nutrition breakfast is the milk adds the bread.

The breakfast milk adds the egg to be wrong

The nutrition expert makes an investigation in view of elementary student's breakfast to demonstrate that surpasses 9% children only to eat the milk to add the egg in the morning, the grain for a long time in the breakfast the vacancy.

The majority guardians thought that such breakfast is and the international trail connection, have never realized this is the very wrong idea. The nutrition expert thought: The milk egg is the good thing, but used mistakenly the place. Because after passes the night more than 10 hour energy consumptions, morning's human body depending on includes the rich carbohydrate breakfast to come again the supplementary energy urgently needed, but the milk and the egg cannot provide the enough energy.

Nutriology Professor Xu Jun tells family review reporter, the high quality protein which the milk and the egg provide is mainly the supplies body structure, but the staple food for instance steamed bun, the rice contains richly the carbohydrate is provides the energy, regarding the brain cell, the sufficient carbohydrate can supplement its revolution the energy.

The breakfast is balanced advantageous to the creativity

Xu Jun believed that human's heat energy mainly comes from the carbohydrate (rice class staple food), protein and fat. But the carbohydrate is actually the cranial nerve organized activities only energy material, and the storage capacity are extremely few, therefore are many in the mental ability activity, so long as guaranteed that sufficient carbohydrate food, gives the cerebrum enough activity power.

Therefore, when breakfast the staple food cannot certainly lack, the guardian may achieve suitably does thin matching. The breakfast feed energy is sufficient,wholesale baby bibs, the allocated proportion balanced student, in the digital utilization, the creativity, aspects and so on imagination and physical quality, must surpass the breakfast quality bad student.

Professor Xu Jun indicated that many families do not take seriously to take in the grain now,(Related Articlesinfant baby dolls Seven wolves become by the insolation the), actually this is also a very big erroneous zone.

How should the student nutrition breakfast eat

Professor Xu Jun puts forward 4 proposals for child's nutrition breakfast:

1st, every day must have a breakfast nutrition balanced breakfast to be able to satisfy the child 30% energies every day, must certainly enough take the breakfast as child's parents child's importance, must insist that every day has the breakfast. If the breakfast nutrition ingestion is insufficient, the child the attention is not often centralized, the memory reduces, one morning is listless, is extremely disadvantageous to the health growth. But regarding is occupying the growth development period the child, matching is reasonable, the nutrition rich breakfast can deal with the challenge which one morning studies.

2nd, the nutrition breakfast type rich nutrition breakfast should include 4 kind of above foods, not only need have the carbohydrate, the protein, the fat, but also needs the Vitamin and the mineral substance. The breakfast type are few, not only the structure is unreasonable the tell on health and the growth, but also possibly causes the memory to reduce, obese, questions and so on stomach disease.

3rd, joins the vegetables and the fruit takes often the fruit and vegetable which neglects by the student and the guardian exactly is Vitamin C, the meals textile fiber important source, but the Chinese student these nutritive elements take in the obvious existence insufficiency. Supplements Vitamin C, nutrients and so on meals textile fiber can help the elementary student to reduce the obese question, the promotion digestion, prevents the constipation,kids clothes, lets the child have the vigor.

4th, the extension breakfast going to eat time chews carefully the breakfast custom is helpful to the nutrition absorption.

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1 prompt supplement body moisture

The diarrhea will present mild dehydrated from the very beginning the condition, therefore, the nursing key point will be for the baby supplemented the first body will lose moisture. The mother may choose one kind willfully from following fluid infusion method:
* from sugar manufacturing salt water. Joins the glucose or the white sugar 10 grams in 500 milliliters boiling water, moreover table salt 2~5 grams. According to 20~40 milliliter/kilogram body weight's proportions,kids clothing, take orally in 4 hours. Is left over taking momentarily.
* salty rice water. The rice water 500 milliliter Canada table salt 2 grams, let the baby, when the boiling water drinks.
* takes the new formula oral administration fluid infusion salt (ORS): The sodium chloride 3.5 grams, the sodium bicarbonate 2.5 grams, the potassium chloride 1.5 grams, the anhydrous glucose 20 grams, add water to 1000 milliliters.

Secrets two: Do not abuse the medicine, assures the baby safety

At present, treats the young child diarrhea commonly used medicine, domestic and foreign esteems includes:
1st, the montmorillonite powder, namely thinks of the meter, has strengthens, repairs the digestive tract mucous membrane the barrier action, and can fix, eliminates each kind of virus, the bacterium and the toxin,baby gift, is suitable in each kind of diarrhea.
2nd, the micro ecology conditioner, like the pair of qi bacillus preparation, may adjust in the intestinal tract the environment stability, protects in the intestinal tract the beneficial bacteria colony, is advantageous in the diarrhea treatment.
3rd, Ding Guier the navel pastes (the old name: As soon as the baby pastes the spirit), the pure Chinese traditional medicine treats the young child diarrhea external use to paste the medicinal preparation, the simple convenience is effective, and does not have the side effect.
This three medicines, may also take the family small medicine kit's standing-by medicine.

Secrets three: The diet recuperation helps the baby

Once the baby the diarrhea, some mothers will control the diet, for fear that will aggravate the condition. Is actually just the opposite, the diarrhea baby needs nutrition rich food, after against diarrhea malnutrition. Breast feeding's baby may continue breast feeding, artificial feeding still might give ordinarily feeds the way, should eat anything to eat anything, anything does not fall. Those who need mother to pay attention,(Related Articlesbaby socks Mordekaiser Long Qiban and lava version), the baby this time's stomach function still occupied the recovery period, therefore,kids toys, the feed should follow eats many meals with little at each, from little arrives many, from thinly to thick principle.

Secrets four: The warm small stomach stomach is very important
Besides adjusts the diet, but must pay attention to the baby abdomen to maintain warmth. The autumn climate transfers gradually coolly, the baby as a result of the viral infringement, his/her intestines wriggles this increased quickly, if the abdomen takes a chill again, then the intestines creeping motion is quicker, will aggravate the diarrhea. The mothers available hot-water bottle carries on the hot compress to the baby abdomen, may also help the baby to rub the belly, alleviates its ache.

Secrets five: Protects good baby's small PP
Diarrhea period, the mother must guard against the diaper measles. Because the baby corpulent number of times increases, around anus's skin and the mucous membrane have the damage, after each time bowel movement, must use the lukewarm water flushing, spreads the fat class medicinal ointment again. The baby must replace the diaper promptly, avoids the diaper which and the skin the excrement urine soaks rub occur broken kui. Prevents the diaper measles and following sends the infection.

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Today is in July 28, 28 day-long Asian Olympic Games baby evaluation has ended finally, isn't one month words long long-distance telephone short,baby gift, thanks in here me has supported the friends of mine, the family member as well as throws in the group mutually mothers, you have not supported my family the baby also not to take the such good result, I hoped that each mothers make a better progress for theirs child.In this activity, also let me become friends with many mothers the friend,(Related Articleskids costumes The child is not willing to eat meal), knew that each mother such garnered votes diligently every day for the child, writes the diary, passed on the photograph, good tired, but was the intention, the baby was mother's all.The proverb said that raises does not teach, father; Teaches not strictly, idle teacher; Child not study, non-suitable; Young not study,red baby socks, Lao He for also lets me from this time activity understand that each people want to understand the good faith two characters, in mother garners votes in the group, everybody does very well. Our body is must set an example for mother, starts from me. Thus, our baby will also learn.My family's little princess has read is very clever, is obedient very much, this is I biggest comfort. Good,baby gift, everybody continues to try hard to make the final sprint! Finally must thank the platform which 3861 Chinese mother and child net provides, lets our life be richer, multi-colors!

Monday, August 16, 2010

baby gift Opens the guardian to read the area to promote the parent education idea renewal

Opens the guardian to read the area to promote the parent education idea renewal preschool education resources present's family mostly is the parents is busy with the work, flower's are getting fewer and fewer on child body time. The parents' meeting to work reads many books,baby gift, but how many books you read for the child? Our guardian many several! Few is one has not looked.

In order to enable the guardian to study and to master the more pre-school education method and has the better mothering idea, Qingyuan County Le Leban the teacher opened the guardian in the class to read the area, the teacher invests ' the parent-child in the area to read ', 'the pre-school education parents child',discount kids costumes, 'raises the child did not fear that defeat's person', 'the successful education for all-around development', 'told the child you to be really good ' and so on, let the guardians use sends and picks up child's time to glance through,kids costumes, perhaps borrowing.

This guardian reads the area depth guardian's like, many guardians indicated that the use sends and picks up the time to glance through also has the harvest, also has many guardians to borrow. This region's start for them a study's space, promotes the guardian to educate the baby the mothering knowledge study. This reading area's start, to renews guardian's education philosophy to have a thought to certain promoter action. Preschool education network

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Learning language's critical period, should pay attention to own spoken language and the expression custom as the guardian, we had no intention a few words, the child have the possibility to study,kids clothes, brought uses,wholesale children's clothes, we should give the child to build a good language environment.

Review: Wants the child to form the habit, the guardian first wants the autonomy. No matter at home in outside, the children has the possibility to learn some not good language, some children will also experience a specific time: Said that the ruthless words (e.g. I shoot you,walmart baby dolls, I kick you general merchandise building to wait), bad language, this was the child in the experiment language strength, the cold treatment has been good, flew into a rage or corrects repeatedly strengthened child's impression actually.

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The diet aspect, must let the child foster the science the food habit. Supplements the comprehensive balanced nutrition. The eat three meals a day, guarantees the high quality protein, the Vitamin,personalized cotton baby blanket, the sugar minute, the mineral substance type and quantity, cuts cannot tolerate the child not to eat the vegetables the custom,infant baby clothes, the milk, the egg,infant baby dolls, the vegetables, the fruit and so on must match reasonably. The parents may defer to some recommendation recipes, unifies child's taste to prepare.

Moreover, some external fruits as well as the counter-season's fruit did not advocate that eats for the child, Director Cheng said that a side water and soil raises a side person, the Chinese has oneself unique physique characteristic, looks like the procession of lanterns fruit and so on growth in the tropics area fruit, more suitable local resident edible, eats such fruit to be not necessarily beneficial to the child. Also, some counter-season's fruit watermelon, the strawberry, majority is with likely some chemical substance accelerate ripening, maintains freshness, in this process, these counter-season fruit instead was a problem the fruit. Also does not favor the child health.

Spring metabolism strengthens, the oxygen consumption capacity increases, the cerebrum oxygen quantity is insufficient, will get naturally sleepy, certainly must help the child to establish the rule the daily schedule, will let the child form the rule the biological clock. Director Cheng said that adjusts the bodily condition reasonably, causes your child spirit to be abundant, health.

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Studies not well, displays when is not good, some guardians actually constantly accuse the child. Can we think that our responsibility, seek the reason on their body?

When climatic conditions change, when geographical environment change, when the farmers know acts as circumstances permit, change planter method; When social environment transformation, does the guardian have thinks of the renewal education idea?

Then, under present social background, what our child thought is what? What do they need?

The US ' the Reader's Digest ' once published a educational expert to write with child's name for parents' letter. This letter has regarding our many parents profits from and inspires the significance. It wrote:

First, my hand with is small, regardless of does any matter, please do not request me to be perfect; My leg is very short, please slow walk, so that I can be able to follow you.

Second,toddler girl dresses, my eye did not look like you such to see passes away the surface,baby doll, please let me observe all things slowly, and hoped excessively many do not limit to me.

Third, the housework is many, but my childhood is short, please use from the housework to extract some time to speak in a world to me the fantastic story, do not only be the toy which regards me seeks pleasure.

Fourth, my sentiment is frail, please to my reflection sensitive, do not scold all day continuous, treats me to treat you to be the same likely.

Fifth,neiman marcus kids clothing, please cherish me, trains me frequently to person's politeness, instructs me to handle the matter, educates me depending on any life.

Sixth, I need you to encourage unceasingly. Criticize me severely frequently and do not threaten me, you may criticize the matter which I make the mistake, but do not always scold me.

Seventh, please give me some freedoms, lets me decide some matters, should allow me not to be successful, so that my ever not successful learn lesson. One day, I meet to decide my life path.

Eighth, please let me and your together entertainment. The child needs to obtain happily from parents there, the direct positive parents want to obtain from child there are happily same.

Guardians, if above several you can do very well, then you are an educationalist. If you do have the disparity, then this disparity is you and educationalist's disparity.

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The diet is excessive. The textile fiber can also reduce the constipation the symptom.,baby girls shoes

Contains the textile fiber between-meal snack richly: Mixes in the malt the yogurt and the ice cream,baby boutique dresses, entire Mai Bingzhan kidney bean paste,kids toys, raisin small rolled cat and milk.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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Plays not many. Can only say a small skill:

Summons the teacher skill twinkle to be possible to use for to hide some to have trajectory skill for instance gem corona Anne to disintegrate the technique.

Summons the teacher skill to purify to some heroes has the special effect for instance werewolf wave ratio

Werewolf uses the big move after you purifies him to the air to grab thoughtlessly.

The wave compared to will use the big move after you purifies her invincibly to vanish

The comedian clown 1 level may hit Ono to take the BUFF. method is runs the Ono spot to lay down 5 boxes from the very beginning to open strangely again

Distinguishes the comedian clown to do several things at the same time to have BUG you (is in the WAR3 sending a letter number) the comedian clown does several things at the same time this signal also in moreover continues to the true body after the G key or the ALT+ left key to be very long.

The wild hunter's old mousetrap may use for to open the eye to open the mushroom and so on is ahead of time you must know that they put

10 points interpolate the base not to be able to obtain IP/XP

The practice match will hit several later also not to have XP

After Sparta's big move of use, at airborne time may with summon the teacher skill to the ground person (for instance to prevent opposite party to run exhaustedly,green baby gift baskets, but also after having is Sparta lifts off, may use twinkle)

The entire kind of witchcraft master's inborn skill has a use

You hit when the dogface the discovery had BUFF many several law wounds to express that nearby you had in the enemy stealth hero perhaps the side haystack has the unprincipled person

Similarly you will hide in the haystack also to discover by the enemy

With on, if you walk are walking were discovering that side you had the DEBUFF evil spirit anti-to be short have hurried to slide have enemy side's scarecrow

You may after the game starts reads games and so on ALT+F4 to start immediately to go in again prevents opposite to know that you summon the teacher skill (slightly to arrange: Also has the means which such damages

Then asked that the teammate you the match is any skill. This to the human who took the middle of the mill is very big superiority =.=

Captain's inspiration morale kills oneself dogface to be possible to hit the mushroom box not to be really good may also insert the root eye to hit.

Anne's young Xiong will hit the enemy hero tower under the tower to hit Anne. Will not be able to project on Anne to hit young Xiong

That whole body helmet and armor trial angel appearance is MM actually. (slightly arranges: The angel is neutral!)

These many.

Moreover the national mourning will open the later edition quite to be low.

Recommends several very strong heroes.

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    (joins time)

    2 areas were similar. Is the third region

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    Very chaotic? Actually you looked carefully will discover,children's clothes, this arrow will be very good hides, so long as you not routine will circle the woods blindly.

    Understands very much

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Ashe is in LoL a quite easy seat of honor long-distance hero, not the vulgar DPS potential is also plays the family for many novices to like,kids shoes, the magnificent big move (the entire screen effect) was all frightens the enemy side heroes to be frightened out of one's wits, takes up a collection the time, if you quite had the favorable impression to Ashe, read attentively this to capture,baby doll, your LoL level will obtain the promotion.

Introduced about the Ash - cold ice shooter's basic document: [selects me to examine]

Ash's merit:

1. takes long-distance DPS relative other to have the high survivability (W even R to maintain life or instead to kill) the passive each second to enhance the knocking to let your farm facilitate.

2.3 initiative skills, Q is also the time which chases down and kills uses, so long as W the 60mana scope is specially big, E is the passive skill, R takes the big move so long as also 150mana, moreover CD is short, very little has the hero to have 3 performance-to-price ratio like this high skills.

3.4 skill 3 belts decelerate, not only does not need you to buy the deceleration effect the goods, in prometaphase most people do not have in the infinite deceleration situation, the Ashe threat is not really small.

4. places specially hers R here, because this skill is simply in my opinion inside the game the most imba move, the injury is very high, the dizzy time is longest amounts to for 4.5 seconds, the entire screen scope, decelerates in passing, 75 second CD, can not but say this skill very tiger.

Ash's deficiency:

1. the crisp skin, by person near body has been able the helpless.

2. the group fights the function basically to locate in the W community deceleration and chases down and kills auxiliary, but also has R to keep the human, time are many cannot output the enough injury effectively.

Team disposition

What below mainly says is the passer-by fights, competes before as far as possible starts, to look that own team, Ashe did not hope saw what is the team is physics department DPS, so long as such opposite the pile protects the armor to be able to torment to death you. Inside the team should better have the AOE occupation and the very good meat shield. For instance Amumu, sion and so on, because Ashe has the deceleration, therefore does not need to chase down and kill the occupation too many, but will put on a master to have the help very much.

Summons the teacher skill

Many people like belt spirit step (Ghost), I thought that glitters (Flash) to be more useful, different people have different views. The choice treats (Heal), I think this hero, no matter is the earlier period brushes money intermediate stage gank or the later period group fights does not need to transmit (Teleport).

Heroic skill

Goes out W, I add E first, but is not Q, although I acknowledged that E will take to your economic efficiency so not to be crisp, but money many spots will be always good, the key will be your earlier period selects Q to be useless, nobody silly will let you before your 6 levels pursue dies moreover the earlier period opposite to have the tower, you could not pursue several steps, my W rose to 3 level of me thought that has been sufficient, then started rose Q at this time the just right intermediate stage to be possible to coordinate gank.

The skill promotion order is W-E-W-E-W-R-Q-Q-Q-W-R-Q-Q-W-E-R-W-E such words you 9 levels has 3 level of Q, had the obvious deceleration, moreover in behind only then rises very much what that 5 level of W can also be better is the group fights the service.


Goes out the belt 390 returns to the blue Canadian 2 red bottles, may guarantee the skill employment, then looked you first time go home condition, money, if has 1000 buys that to be separated from fights +5 speed shoes, chases down and kills walks randomly the gank best quality goods with the entire screen, escapes is also very useful, what if more might leave to return to the blood to return to blue and 10 second 5gold really had that was does not need to go home for a lifetime.

Ashe takes up a collection is quick, the next equipment already might be direct physics Huang Dao, is +80 injures 20 knocking and the knocking additions, then the red fork, adds knocking Canada to attack fast (some people to like leaving red fork first, but time speaks the truth attack speed are many helps is not that big, you chase down and kill others' time you also to run after all, moreover adds injury to be possible first to let you easier attack make money)

Had these two you already to be very terrorist the basic person to be possible to complete very quickly chases down and kills the crisp skin's work,koala baby boutique clothing, if you thought at this time you were the human who inside the team the most group jeered, that might consider that disposed some defense equipment according to opposite party, protected the armor to penetrate is also the very important attribute, but also had Ashe not to need to pile the blood, this game was protects the armor and the evil spirit anti-, was far more effective than the volume of blood.

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    The other day reporter displayed (Hong Kong) from Frankfurt the Limited company to learn that Europe's industry will plan in abundance with the textile and the supatex fabric producer participates 2010 Chinese international industries which conducted in the Shanghai new international reading extensively center will use the textile and the supatex fabric exposition in October, partial countries by national delegation participation. This exposition by the China council for the promotion of international trade spinning and weaving profession branch, the Chinese industry with the textile profession association,discount children's clothes, Frankfurt displays (Hong Kong) the Limited company to sponsor jointly.

    In China, many domain's industrial developments need the massive industries to use the textile, has the market prospect, attracted the overseas enterprise to promote and the demonstration vanguard technology and the product to China.

    To many intended to develop the Chinese market the overseas enterprise, they approved the Chinese international industry with the textile and the supatex fabric exposition are the vigorous development Chinese emerging market well-known specialized expositions, has covered the agriculture, lived at uses, environmental protection, construction, industry, packing, clothing, medical service, protection, earthwork, the transportation, the movement and so on 12 industries used the textile and the supatex fabric main classified application category.

    One of exhibitors, easy Tess (Yantai) precise textile instrument Limited company's Ms. Brooke Wang to indicate: We thought that China is also the felt knitted needle and the supatex fabric huge market, the opportunity everywhere. Borrows is attending the exhibition, we hoped that can met with latent and the existing customer, promotes our product.

    China's economical growth with stability, in 2009 the gross national product is increasing 8.7 compared to the same period 锕? China also unceasingly elevates temperature to the industry with the textile and the supatex fabric demand, in 2009,discount kids shoes, the Chinese industry amounts to 7,232,000 tons with the textile output, grows 19.2%. compared to the same period, even if the financial crisis, this profession also obtains certain speed-up, spins sticks, the melt spurts, the acupuncture supatex fabric grows quickly under market drawing. Along with the new raw material and production equipment's unceasing innovation, the industry used the textile gradual growth in the filtration, earthwork, medical service, transportation, domain and so on aerospace applications.

    Under the Chinese implication industry opportunity's huge attraction, the industry plans the participation in abundance with the textile and the supatex fabric main producer country's supplier, by time contact latent buyer. It is reported that from Belgium, France, Germany, Italian and Portugal's supplier, the plan organization country delegation participation, by further shows the respective elegant demeanor, the expanded participation influence.

    The Chinese international industry is not only relates the customer with the textile and the supatex fabric exposition the good opportunity,kids clothing wholesale, is the supplier demonstrates its newest technical invention the ideal platform. British TAL trade development Manager David Hill indicated: The exhibition is we demonstrated that the strength the stage, for example we formulate the brand-new absorptive plan, then had demonstrated our perspective ability and the enthusiastic .2008 years, TAL succeeded at the exhibition had demonstrated to the Asian market our profession experience, hoped in 2010 we to be able very much on a yet higher goal.

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Just read crazy war MeiDu Sa's that card, several people quarrel a group, is quite lively.

Noisy is mainly two points:

1. after magic club artificial leg tenacious, Medusa should leave the meat to install the DPS attire?

2. if leaves the DPS attire, crazy war's performance-to-price ratio how?

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The preceding question has not been assorted the significance: Needs to be on site the strain thing, usually quarrels has is assorted uses?

But the latter question,kids clothes, is idler much the time calculated is very interesting.


First looks at the Medusa fission arrow and some goods relations. In the forum should have, but I was disinclined to turn, oneself measured.

The hemophagia/freezes the law ball: Splits the arrow to be normal, main arrow belt special effect.

The crystal sword/cannon/disperses the Chinese/double sword/corona hammer/small electricity/big electricity: Does not leave when the special effect splits the arrow to be normal; Leaves when the special effect splits the arrow expiration.
dota captures the related Medusa output some computations (renewal electric hammer computation)
MKB: When opens the material enemy, splits the arrow expiration; When Guan Liaodi, with dizzy hammer.

Extinguishes gloomily: Fission arrow expiration.

Disappearing: When the main arrow attack has the mana unit, splits the arrow expiration. When the main arrow attacks the non-mana unit, splits the arrow to be normal; This time even if the vice-arrow projects on has the mana unit, also needless evil spirit.

Forgot to measure the Luo river Sa's broken hidden knife. Considers as finished, nobody leaves Luo river Sa gank in any case with Medusa.
dota captures the related Medusa output some computations (renewal electric hammer computation)

Therefore, the size thunder hammer/quartz sword/cannon/dispersed the Chinese/double sword/corona to hammer /MKB/ to extinguish gloomily/disappears basically these eliminates.

Then Medusa artificial leg, magic club, after tenacious, if must leave the DPS goods, has the following choice probably:

1850-2600 scales: Control,discount kids clothes, insane face, limit, inspired, demon, devil knife point, crazy war;
dota captures the related Medusa output some computations (renewal electric hammer computation)
3300-3800 scales: Hawk angle, Luo river Sa,kids clothing, relic;

4900 scales: Doing several things at the same time;

6000-6200 scales: Butterfly, Saint sword.


dota captures the related Medusa output some computations (renewal electric hammer computation)

L21Medusa, puts on the agile artificial leg, brings the magic club, tenacious.

This time agile 95, goods Canada attacks 10, Canada attacks fast 30. not to open fission arrow DPS236.23.

The supposition is left over the money also suffices a DPS equipment. An above row several scale corresponds the money which separately/the even/running free bureau hits against the wind.

Goods DPS every 100 golds increase DPS

Controls 281.252.43

Insane face 341.255.53

Limit 270.251.62

Rouses 2942.75

Demon 309.763.34

Devil knife point 339.754.31

The crazy war (removes tenaciously) 3604.76

dota captures the related Medusa output some computations (renewal electric hammer computation)

Hawk angle 3252.69

Luo river Sa 336.052.94

Relic 371.253.55

Does several things at the same time (to open ghost) 578.446.98

Butterfly 470.253.9

Saint sword 798.75

Monday, August 9, 2010

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      From the ancient rain clothes evolves, but uses for the protection against the cold the cape coat,baby girls shoes, generally appears in the fall winter clothing are many. But designers not parsimoniously to this situation utilization, in 09 spring summer Xiu field, also repeatedly obvious cape's shadow. However each brand after unifying own style, also presents the new appearance which all flowers blooms together. Has elegantly, pays great attention the gallery modelling, has decorates the full paillette, as well as the tension lining makes the fold cape, lets us look at one season together the modelling.

    Alexander McQueen

    Elegant and the smooth sense of reality let cape's silhouette have the style which the skirt installed,baby dolls, accomplished at will the natural effect with the simple plait, was not artificial. Even if in the summer day, such will dress up will not have the sultry feeling which will wrap.


    The ultra realistic subject and the fantasy which dressed up to the future has accomplished the Balenciaga new style cape. If silkworm cocoon tying tight and twines, as well as outside the outer space silver gray accent,ethnic baby dolls, can let you forget that it puts in not to be inconvenient, sometimes we may dress up the fashion the definition are: So long as the feeling arriving put on the right upper and lower garments.

baby blanket Lands Shanghai's clothing brand Lands Shanghai's clothing brand

    Shanghai, is all wants is potential achievement in China the land that must fight. In recent years, many international brands also chose Shanghai to take it in the Chinese market first debarkation place. A in which big reason, is its commercial maturity and developed. Becomes forerunner's time in the channel, the trade is very important regarding the brand mold. Therefore, although the Shanghai market's competition has been intensifying, but chooses it, actually has chosen one kind of strategic layout.

    Hand's of under the commercial impetus, the design creativity industry grows vigorously in Shanghai, especially has the suitable standard consumer's domain in Shanghai, we can see some native place strength rising. Although they are not formidable, but actually makes the human to ponder. They will be representing the one kind of breakthrough direction star of tomorrow. In their hand, the protect guard will another day be lightening the East and West fashionable stage the spark. Below, please follow our brushwork, glances over the new sharp scenery.

    From Meilong Town to the Changle road

    Once some people summarized said that the Shanghai native dress brand's success has three conditions: The husbands and wives partner, the male tube sells the female tube design as well as opens a shop in Meilong Town. First two should be the nearly all family clothing brand successful experiences, but third, then explains Meilong Town this shop in Shanghai's status, as well as general merchandise channel's strategic sense. Now in Meilong Town's native place brand includes: ZucZug elements however, Giffen, sub-corn, E+ one fine, German poem, Ou Shili and so on.

    However, the outstanding design and the creativity let the new generation the designer choose other marketing channel, Changle Lu Ze was second to none, this and the Huai Hai east road parallel street gathered numerous and the street corner tidal current brand at present. Many people said that the Changle road already had some to look like New York's SOHO area and Tokyo's in sleeps originally, many overseas media, like "American Herald tribune" and so on struggles reports the Changle road.

    In fact the Changle roads already became one kind of mark, and even one kind of standard, because not enough to go around as well as the rent cost rises unceasingly, the designers start to seek for each kind latent, has the similar affective tone street to open a shop, for instance the Xinle road, the tranquillity road, founds a nation west road and so on.

    On behalf of shop and brand

    one by one

    one by one has 2 shops in the Changle road, the behind three people are Wang Chu curls upwards, fall Hao and Big bear. Wang Chu curls upwards with fall Hao is the native of Suzhou, studies Chinese Wang Chu curls upwards until the college days, looks for the time which to the Suzhou Silk Engineering institute schoolmate plays only then knew that had dress designing this specialty (a bedroom also to have with her schoolmate afterward established exceptional brand Mark). After the graduation works period of time, Wang Chu curls upwards with reads the indoor design fall Hao to open the clothing store together when Suzhou 0.1 times plays to Shanghai, they have had a liking for the Changle road which at that time also remained obscure, therefore has closed the Suzhou shop, develops to Shanghai.

    Afterward, fall Hao from the British Saint Martin Institute further education return, the Big bear which works in the US Tess Nation Prestige Company also joins originally. Now, onebyone has a work room in a Huangpu area workshop,baby blanket, several workers produce the clothing. Except one by one, fall Hao and the Big bear respectively were entering the careers open to the meritorious and the Xinle road by own name have opened the shop.

    Fall Hao and one by one also became the fashion magazine pet,baby doll, fall Hao has cracked a joke said: Why doesn't know, on one year six times "Vogue".

    Even Penniless

    Even Penniless translates Chinese is even if does not have a thing in the world. Designer Gao Xin is the US Tess nation prestige chief designer originally, in 2004 established own brand, in 2006 January opened the first shop, now also has two shops in the Changle road.


    This family two-and-a-half shop's master Alex also comes from the US Tess nation prestige, but after oneself open a shop, he still in US Tess nation prestige work, but sets up for the shop goods the work room he only goes to one time every week on Saturday.


    what the insh Li swan goose studies originally is the finance, after the graduation, because to clothing's being very fond, continues to the Lassalle institute to study the fashion design, after the graduation, after working period of time, established own first brand insh. she to bring in the work room tranquillity Lu Tianzi the work place, and the entrance has opened first in Tian Zifang is also the only insh self-management shop.

    insh is in shang hai abbreviation, therefore the Shanghai element is the insh clothing's key point,infant flower girl dresses, but the consumer also mostly is a foreigner. In fact, insh this shop and other local sells goods for the state the service income just to be possible to planish the company operation expense, but the profit important source (primitive brand output) exports in OBM, Europe's some high-quality goods fashionable clothing shop will order the insh brand the clothing sale, perhaps this may give domestic makes OEM Export enterprise some enlightenment.

    Moreover, the Li swan goose has also promoted the high-level series by own name's Pinyin Li Hong Yan, after undergoing two season attempts, recently has started out an exclusive agency in Tian Zifang.

    From Chen Yifei to Zhou Chengjian

    Discussed that the design discusses the creativity, the designer is all roots, however the designer needs Bole to discover, specially in Chinese clothing industry not yet mature initial period stage. Shanshan group's Zheng Yonggang may regard as is the first Bole, Zhang Zhaoda, Wang Xinyuan, Chinese top-notch designers and so on Wu Xuekai with him, has the origin with the Shanshan knot. As soon as Chen Yifei may regard as is the second Bole, the king raises, Wang Wei, Zhang Da and so on successively potency Yu Yifei fashionable clothing company. Zheng Yonggang's entrepreneur body and Chen Yifei's artist family background, the influence are somewhat different to the designer, displays as if separately in the industrial stratification plane and the region of art.

    But US Tess nation prestige's Zhou Cheng constructs for the designer brings does not take the common road's development mentality, does not depend upon the female attire tradition the department store channel, but is opens the exclusive agency to the street. Perhaps this is the channel which and the market road of is influenced by what one sees and hears in the US Tess nation prestige comes.

    Who can next Bole be? I guessed that can come from the rich two generations. They are born in the 80s, studies in the overseas, the internationalization field of vision and the sufficient start fund, who causes nothing is impossible. is not their also some?

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ESWC the French invitational meet Dota project recently dropped the curtain,trendy baby clothes, well-known troop after defeating such as the SOS such native place strong team attains the ESWC finals' participative quota of people smoothly. After winning the championship they indicated that must remain finals' champion France. Like this was already finishing in two station invitational meets, DTS and choose in advance respectively from our country go beyond a line, before in addition receives,kids clothing, ESWC which invites in the finals champion AEON,12 participation quota of people to have three determinations. But will China's ESWC invitational meet in the May 31 - in June 1 hold,baby gear Wholesale, who compete in the world finals on behalf of China, asks respectfully to anticipate that the .DOTA Chinese net will bring the detailed report for you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

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Has liked this taking the kitchen knife very much everywhere to chop the person professor, this thought that is a pure meat, also little controls the skill, uses several times to discover that simply not.
The discovery takes one to return to the blood masochism, fights the endless enjoyment with the human.
After therefore unlocking, fought 20 to win many negative few, now inscribes the dessert, did not dare to say is captures, hoped that everybody discussed together gives the suggestion

farmertank is auxiliary dps
mundo is inside all t takes up a collection, zone lines ability is strongest, is role which is short of money not very much, will be the qualified farmer. reason will later mention
Returns to the blood ability to be very strong is he takes t the capital,baby bibs,
He can create the big area in a short time as dps the community injury, and the skill effect is quite obvious, very easy to let the human note your existence, has certain taunt function.

Skill analysis:


Passive skill: Adrenalin Dr. Mondor each second replies oneself biggest life value 0.3%

Looked that will resemble the commonplace skill to bring the quite great income in the mid and late part to you, can also cause the number of times big reduction which you will go home.
Makes simple mathematics problems:
the mundo initial volume of blood 468 (+92/each level) *0.3%=1.40 (0.276/each level), the foundation returned to the blood to have every 5 seconds to return to the blood already to have 7,
If defense talent in addition blue shield, then initial you have 658 initial volumes of blood and 20/5 second return to the blood speed
This is only first-level merely, in you have 4000+ volume of blood time only depends this talent each second has 12 returns to the blood speed
This has provided the safeguard for yours continually operational capacity.

Infects the butcher knife: Quick key Q cools 4 seconds to consume 20/35/50/65/80 life value

Dr. Mondor shoots the butcher knife, causes the goal current life value 102% damage to the goal (the least 80/130/180/230/280 spots)
And decelerates 40%, continues for 2 seconds.

mundo only long-distance skill, is also the only control skill.
Because the passive skill returns to blood's reason, the butcher knife nearly is free, you consumed the life in the cooling time already completely to make up
That is so long as 4 second cooling has been good, you may use willfully, do not consider that the consumption the question (not blue is good)
The butcher knife main application makes up the soldier, rubs the heroic blood, finds out by secret inquiry in the thick patch of grass whether to have the human, chases down and kills, even harasses may
The ascertainment thick patch of grass must say a spot, because the butcher knife hits the person sound effect to be obvious, therefore throws the thick patch of grass to be able to know directly inside has the human
The above reason caused the butcher knife to become the home travel, killed a person and took his possessions necessary skill

Painful combustion:
Quick key W cools 4 second per second to consume 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 life values

Dr. Mondor causes each second 40/55/70/85/100 black magic damage to the one's side enemy,
The reduction receives the community to control the skill effect 175%.

Mondor takes up a collection the masterstroke, scope offering sacrifices, injures high, cd is short, along with uses along with to open
The reduced group control skill effect to taunts or chases down and kills many scope controls the role to have the effect, but only limits the community to control the skill merely
However this thing is absolutely taunts the skill, the match because you will have opened, but will output to you (is we hopes as t this).
With mundo with line teammate because you will open the combustion not to be able to receive the money (this only to be able to depend to friend technique has made up)

Quick key e cools 7 seconds to consume 15/30/45/60/75 life value

in 5 seconds increase Dr. Mondor 40/55/70/85/100 striking power,
Loses 1% life value to promote 0.4/0.55/0.7/0.85/1 point attack every time

The cooling time and the duration only then differ for 2 seconds, so long as you want to be possible basically to maintain the entire journey
The additional injury value was equal to that the blood upper limit (%) - the current volume of blood (%) rides the addition coefficient again
When half blood opens oppressively is increased 50 striking power to add on directly the foundation 100 to be equal to 3 bf big swords
This is also the mundodps fountainhead.

Quick key r cools 60 seconds to consume 20% current life value

Dr. Mondor replies 50% life value in 12 seconds, increases 75% traveling speed;

the mundo big move, returns to blood speed astonishing quick, in addition increases the traveling speed is opens big move of mundo to be possible to open the painful combustion sum
The masochism more tower chases down and kills. May also escape and run about all over restores uses, cd is short, the effect is obvious. Time the group fights may Man Xuekai loudly taunt the match, the attraction firepower.

What because he consumes is 20% life value, therefore the blood little opens the effect to be more obvious, time are many independent match will chase down and kill the low blood line you,
But after operating the big kitchen knife, oppressive, pain on together, if he does not have the means to wipe out your 50% blood upper limit, finally the station smiles is leaving is certainly the kitchen knife male.
the mundo low blood line instead kills finds at everywhere.

Said the skill we have summoned the teacher skill

We are not the gank heroes, is also not a legal system, therefore many and blue related skills might neglect
Said first I compare several kinds which likes using to summon the skill:

Cicatrization: Nobody does not like returning to the blood, although mundo returns to the blood to be very terrorist,cheap baby gear, but the match is not eats without working, he will rescue your life

Hitting hard: The very practical skill, had it to take red buff, helped the teammate to take blue buff, in addition burnt and receives oppressively, wild strange has not been able to live for 10 seconds, before having its mundo to become 5 level, farm wild strange quickest heroes. (intense recommendation)

Exhausted: Limits and chases down and kills the masterstroke, the blinding effect may guarantee instead kills time advantageous address, but flashes before in this all the people sometimes the age can be very incapable.

Rebirth: As blood many heroes, this skill is very solid, but will restore ability very strong you in the initial period not to use to obtain nearly. Later period's words shield the teammate dies reactivating after t are the very good choice

Transmission: Time the group fights mundo needs him,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes Ice bound Throne WCG impressi), zone lines time mundo needs him, goes home to go shopping mundo to need him, but in the usual situation mundo does not need to go home frequently, therefore minuss the partial functions is not I wants, likes the words may also use.

It is not the skill which recommends very much:
Flashing before: The crisp skin escapes the special-purpose .mundo escape depending on the leg.

Purification: The painful combustion may have his nearly half the effect, therefore, keeps the position to other skills

Ignition: Very direct injury method, but he is not big as t to our effect,

Inspiration morale: We return to the blood from the skill, we can add the striking power.

Seeing clearly: The thick patch of grass does not threaten to mundo,baby boutique, but cannot see regardless of the thing is everybody does not like, likes running about all over alone may take to bring with.

Skicing: Mondor's big move of addition's speed can escape, 60 seconds one time also compared to skice easily to use many

Clear: What can come to make? Good, may return to blue, unusual Lei Feng's auxiliary mundo to the teammate takes to bring with (persuades to quit available)

Reinforcement: Provided the striking power to be possible to neglect, mundo under the tower, the tower was very safe.

Fu Wen choice:
The volume of blood and returns to the blood to pile as far as possible, or the choice piles the evil spirit anti-.
Protects the armor to be possible to use in the game to equip the atonement, because elder brother not bad money.