Friday, August 6, 2010

baby bibs Dr.mundo captures personally


Has liked this taking the kitchen knife very much everywhere to chop the person professor, this thought that is a pure meat, also little controls the skill, uses several times to discover that simply not.
The discovery takes one to return to the blood masochism, fights the endless enjoyment with the human.
After therefore unlocking, fought 20 to win many negative few, now inscribes the dessert, did not dare to say is captures, hoped that everybody discussed together gives the suggestion

farmertank is auxiliary dps
mundo is inside all t takes up a collection, zone lines ability is strongest, is role which is short of money not very much, will be the qualified farmer. reason will later mention
Returns to the blood ability to be very strong is he takes t the capital,baby bibs,
He can create the big area in a short time as dps the community injury, and the skill effect is quite obvious, very easy to let the human note your existence, has certain taunt function.

Skill analysis:


Passive skill: Adrenalin Dr. Mondor each second replies oneself biggest life value 0.3%

Looked that will resemble the commonplace skill to bring the quite great income in the mid and late part to you, can also cause the number of times big reduction which you will go home.
Makes simple mathematics problems:
the mundo initial volume of blood 468 (+92/each level) *0.3%=1.40 (0.276/each level), the foundation returned to the blood to have every 5 seconds to return to the blood already to have 7,
If defense talent in addition blue shield, then initial you have 658 initial volumes of blood and 20/5 second return to the blood speed
This is only first-level merely, in you have 4000+ volume of blood time only depends this talent each second has 12 returns to the blood speed
This has provided the safeguard for yours continually operational capacity.

Infects the butcher knife: Quick key Q cools 4 seconds to consume 20/35/50/65/80 life value

Dr. Mondor shoots the butcher knife, causes the goal current life value 102% damage to the goal (the least 80/130/180/230/280 spots)
And decelerates 40%, continues for 2 seconds.

mundo only long-distance skill, is also the only control skill.
Because the passive skill returns to blood's reason, the butcher knife nearly is free, you consumed the life in the cooling time already completely to make up
That is so long as 4 second cooling has been good, you may use willfully, do not consider that the consumption the question (not blue is good)
The butcher knife main application makes up the soldier, rubs the heroic blood, finds out by secret inquiry in the thick patch of grass whether to have the human, chases down and kills, even harasses may
The ascertainment thick patch of grass must say a spot, because the butcher knife hits the person sound effect to be obvious, therefore throws the thick patch of grass to be able to know directly inside has the human
The above reason caused the butcher knife to become the home travel, killed a person and took his possessions necessary skill

Painful combustion:
Quick key W cools 4 second per second to consume 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 life values

Dr. Mondor causes each second 40/55/70/85/100 black magic damage to the one's side enemy,
The reduction receives the community to control the skill effect 175%.

Mondor takes up a collection the masterstroke, scope offering sacrifices, injures high, cd is short, along with uses along with to open
The reduced group control skill effect to taunts or chases down and kills many scope controls the role to have the effect, but only limits the community to control the skill merely
However this thing is absolutely taunts the skill, the match because you will have opened, but will output to you (is we hopes as t this).
With mundo with line teammate because you will open the combustion not to be able to receive the money (this only to be able to depend to friend technique has made up)

Quick key e cools 7 seconds to consume 15/30/45/60/75 life value

in 5 seconds increase Dr. Mondor 40/55/70/85/100 striking power,
Loses 1% life value to promote 0.4/0.55/0.7/0.85/1 point attack every time

The cooling time and the duration only then differ for 2 seconds, so long as you want to be possible basically to maintain the entire journey
The additional injury value was equal to that the blood upper limit (%) - the current volume of blood (%) rides the addition coefficient again
When half blood opens oppressively is increased 50 striking power to add on directly the foundation 100 to be equal to 3 bf big swords
This is also the mundodps fountainhead.

Quick key r cools 60 seconds to consume 20% current life value

Dr. Mondor replies 50% life value in 12 seconds, increases 75% traveling speed;

the mundo big move, returns to blood speed astonishing quick, in addition increases the traveling speed is opens big move of mundo to be possible to open the painful combustion sum
The masochism more tower chases down and kills. May also escape and run about all over restores uses, cd is short, the effect is obvious. Time the group fights may Man Xuekai loudly taunt the match, the attraction firepower.

What because he consumes is 20% life value, therefore the blood little opens the effect to be more obvious, time are many independent match will chase down and kill the low blood line you,
But after operating the big kitchen knife, oppressive, pain on together, if he does not have the means to wipe out your 50% blood upper limit, finally the station smiles is leaving is certainly the kitchen knife male.
the mundo low blood line instead kills finds at everywhere.

Said the skill we have summoned the teacher skill

We are not the gank heroes, is also not a legal system, therefore many and blue related skills might neglect
Said first I compare several kinds which likes using to summon the skill:

Cicatrization: Nobody does not like returning to the blood, although mundo returns to the blood to be very terrorist,cheap baby gear, but the match is not eats without working, he will rescue your life

Hitting hard: The very practical skill, had it to take red buff, helped the teammate to take blue buff, in addition burnt and receives oppressively, wild strange has not been able to live for 10 seconds, before having its mundo to become 5 level, farm wild strange quickest heroes. (intense recommendation)

Exhausted: Limits and chases down and kills the masterstroke, the blinding effect may guarantee instead kills time advantageous address, but flashes before in this all the people sometimes the age can be very incapable.

Rebirth: As blood many heroes, this skill is very solid, but will restore ability very strong you in the initial period not to use to obtain nearly. Later period's words shield the teammate dies reactivating after t are the very good choice

Transmission: Time the group fights mundo needs him,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes Ice bound Throne WCG impressi), zone lines time mundo needs him, goes home to go shopping mundo to need him, but in the usual situation mundo does not need to go home frequently, therefore minuss the partial functions is not I wants, likes the words may also use.

It is not the skill which recommends very much:
Flashing before: The crisp skin escapes the special-purpose .mundo escape depending on the leg.

Purification: The painful combustion may have his nearly half the effect, therefore, keeps the position to other skills

Ignition: Very direct injury method, but he is not big as t to our effect,

Inspiration morale: We return to the blood from the skill, we can add the striking power.

Seeing clearly: The thick patch of grass does not threaten to mundo,baby boutique, but cannot see regardless of the thing is everybody does not like, likes running about all over alone may take to bring with.

Skicing: Mondor's big move of addition's speed can escape, 60 seconds one time also compared to skice easily to use many

Clear: What can come to make? Good, may return to blue, unusual Lei Feng's auxiliary mundo to the teammate takes to bring with (persuades to quit available)

Reinforcement: Provided the striking power to be possible to neglect, mundo under the tower, the tower was very safe.

Fu Wen choice:
The volume of blood and returns to the blood to pile as far as possible, or the choice piles the evil spirit anti-.
Protects the armor to be possible to use in the game to equip the atonement, because elder brother not bad money.

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