Monday, August 23, 2010

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Yesterday was 61 children's days, child's safety and the health receives the attention. The child early puberty is many guardian very issue of concern. But actually anything is the early puberty, which reasons can cause the early puberty, how to avoid the human factor pressing to send the early puberty, must clarify these questions as child's guardian.

>> mistakes the early puberty, the child adds the pressure

Child's healthy development is each family important matter. In recent years, the early puberty is fried the heat, night of between children turned the early puberty as if, has many knows the erroneous zone.

13 year-old second day female student small red, head length to one meter 65, moreover the chest is obviously more plentiful than the same age female student, is a slim and graceful girl completely likely. This day, several teachers are pulling the idle talk, said: Is this child a little the early puberty? Teacher has no intention to chat unexpectedly is heard by a schoolmate, several days, have not spread among schoolmates: Small red is the early puberty, our teachers such said. After hearing the rumor small to feel red is embarrassed, always open and bright she also becomes little says the widowed language, is not willing with schoolmates to associate, finally produces unexpectedly became fed up study the mood, is not willing to arrive at the school to go to school again. The parents understood after the situation, also very much worried, suspected the child is really has suffered from the early puberty. Finally they decided that asks the expert the belt child to the city hospital internal secretion branch to examine looked. The expert examines looked, gives the conclusion: Child all growth are normal, simply is not the early puberty.

In recent years, our country people culture life, the material life level universal enhancement, the city people living standard enhanced particularly is quicker. The following child's physiological growth generally is also ahead of time, this kind of phenomenon has created the illusion for many teachers and the student guardians, this kind of child classification is the early puberty very easily. In fact along with living standard's enhancement, the child physiology growth with the early puberty is the two matters ahead of time. If girl 9 year old of breast growth but she has not come the menstruation, this is the growth early,cool baby bibs, should not regard as the early puberty.

The so-called early puberty, was refers to the girl 8 year old of before breast to start to grow, 10 years old came the menstruation; The boy 9 year old of before voice change, had the Adam's apple, the penis increases. In recent years, some teachers and the student guardian smattered to the early puberty, was too vigilant to the child physiology growth, sees the child second sexual character growth to suspect that has suffered from the early puberty, has created the nonessential pressure to the child. Once some children decide as by teacher and the guardian the early puberty, more or less will present some psychological barrier, like will become estranged the friend, the rejection and other people contact and so on. As the parents,(Related Articlesaward winning toddler toys The industry will condu), suffers from early puberty's child facing the suspicion, even is the diagnosis for early puberty's child, cannot display heavyheartedly, must tell the child as far as possible gently, each person can grow, the growth is a good deed, may cause the human becomes intelligent, has the strength to have the altitude, but the precocity a little will be too troublesome, therefore the parents suggested that you will eat from now on little to explode the chicken leg, very much will exercise the body, will grow up equally with schoolmates? The parents will not talk into the early puberty the disasters, the child will not appear the excessive panic point of view, in the disposition will not become the self-closing, the diet regulation and doctor's therapeutic schedule also easy to obtain child's coordination.

>> the child early puberty, is careful the tumor to cause trouble

Recent years discovered that the child early puberty boy, more than 50% is particularly because some military iffucer tumor causes pseudo early puberty. If the pituitary gland tumor, the pituitary gland cyst, the brain tumor and so on, causes to press the gonadotrophic hormone the unusual secretion, thus the stimulation reproductive organ presents some with the early puberty similar performance. The above situation through the inquiry medical history, makes the electroencephalogram and absorbs the head X piece, or the special radiography as well as the endocrine inspection, may obtain the diagnosis.

Moreover, if the girl contracts the ovary benignity or the malignant tumor, so long as the tumor includes the endocrine function cell, may also cause the similar early puberty's symptom and the symptom. Therefore, some early puberty's girl, was actually steadily the tumor ovarii, what especially was common was the length has been possible to secrete the estrogen the ovarian cysts. These tumor secretion's estrogen, can cause the breast, the vulva and the endometrium has the proliferative change, but the ovary has not ovulated, does not have the possibility which becomes pregnant,organic baby gifts, thus does not belong to the true early puberty. After the tumor is excised, not the normal second sexual character performance along with it vanishing. The tumor causes the early puberty besides will have the obvious second sexual character to have also the concurrent some other symptoms, like the vision change (brain tumor oppression optic nerve will cause), will walk exceptionally (tumor oppression related efferent nerve to cause) and so on performance, these exceptionally will be helpful in make the correct diagnosis. In addition, some and germ cells irrelevant sickness, also will sometimes cause the hypophysis secretion to press the gonadotrophic hormone, will cause the girl to have the similar early puberty's symptom. For example the primary thyroid function is low, may have early puberty's performance. Its reason is when the thyroid function is low, the pituitary gland presses the thyroxine releasing hormone to increase, this kind of hormone not only presses the thyroxine to the pituitary gland to have the promotion release's function, moreover to presses the gonadotrophic hormone to have the promotion release's function, thus presents early puberty's performance.

>> avoids the human factor pressing to send the child early puberty

Although as a result of the social progress, present's family life condition becomes superior, the nutrition was improved, disease reduction and so on favorable factor has accelerated the child growth and the growth, but this causes the child early puberty's primary factor. The child early puberty is mainly because some social factor and some not correct habits and customs create.

Environmental pollution:

As a result of the detergent, the agricultural chemicals and the plastic industry factory to the environment emissions deleterious substance and the decomposition material, the nature have produced a series of environment class hormone pollutant. The organic chlorine agricultural chemicals massive release farmland, causes in the soil, in the water and plant's content markup, these pollutant degrades in the nature after the certain extent, was discovered that has the estrogen type activeness. Environment estrogen material influence, regardless of being the vegetables, fruits and melons, meats food, includes the high dose estrogen. Therefore, protects the environment protects our next generation.

Including hormone food:

At present in the market sells is the meat chicken, but feeds in the meat chicken's feed to include the hormone, otherwise the chicken not long that big, will then be quick. Therefore, the child wants little to eat this kind of meat chicken. Now can see and the season not symbol fruit in the main street and small alley. It is known that to shift to an earlier time going on the market, the fruit farmer will sometimes use the contrary technique to the fruit accelerate ripening. If the long-term edible accelerate ripening's fruits and melons, will cause some children to grow the disorder, will have the early puberty. Besides accelerate ripening, real estate fruit often because of long-distance transport, but needs to carry on to the fruit maintains freshness, but in the antistaling agent also includes the hormone. Therefore, should buy as far as possible cautiously regarding some premature delivery's fruit, eats seasonable or the true counter-season fruits and vegetables, but the child must avoid mouth immediate contact these fruits as far as possible the epidermis.

Eats food supplements blindly:

The tonic causes one of child early puberty's prime culprits. Some guardians often eat to the child increase the appetite, the longan healthy brain's healthy product, have never realized,kids clothing, in the middle of these tonics includes the hormone ingredient frequently, takes for a long time, may cause in the child blood's hormone level rise, thus causes the child early puberty. The research discovered that the royal jelly preparation, the pollen preparation, fries in oil tonics and so on silkworm chrysalis to be able to cause the early puberty.

Contraceptive and adult cosmetics:

The child eats the guardian contraceptive to be possible by mistake to cause the early puberty. The child for a long time uses the adult also causes one of early puberty's reasons with the cosmetics. Therefore, must place using the medicine contraception's guardian the medicine the place which the child is not easy to attain. The young child wants to use the child special-purpose skin care thing.

Contacting information:

Not only in the nowadays information society, the child may gain from the television to has the natural suggestion picture massively, moreover may from the newspaper, in the network contact the natural information. The child contacted have been many, could premature stimulate child psychology, caused them to have the early puberty ahead of time finally.

The early puberty may cause the child to have the psychological behavior (puppy love, masturbation and so on) and the height grows stops ahead of time. If the guardian will not give takes seriously possibly to cause the child to lose the best treatment opportunity, will create lifelong regretted. Therefore the reminder guardian, the child presents the breast growth, after leaving the Adam's apple and so on mild early puberty symptom, should take the remedial measure immediately.

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