Monday, August 23, 2010

baby gift The parents love 11 foolish matters which does

1. the child wants to play the mud, we said: Too dirty, cannot play!
Illustration: Has eliminated the right which the child plays,baby gift, has pinched out the instinct which the child plays,kids clothing, has blocked the child to the thing cognition,baby accessories, reduced child's exploration space

2. the child thinks to eat meal, we said: Does everywhere is; Food coldMother feeds!
Illustration: Child's independent consciousness, child's beginning ability like this is strangled

3. the child some are uncomfortable, we said: The treasure,(Related Articlesunique baby gifts make How to give the child to choose the most appropriate desk), on us the hospital, arranged the needle to be good! Doctor, with a good medicine!
Illustration: We blind and ignorant cause the child to become the glass person who directly lacks the resistivity, lets him suffer more indispositions to suffer with the medical wound, let world many how many bear the medicine fungus and incurable disease

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