Monday, August 23, 2010

weird gifts for kids DOTA burrow weaver master attainment Special troop outstanding person, ant elde

DOTA burrow weaver, also calls the ant, has belonged to the CW edge hero, the passer-by fights compares the force, in the competition is also easy to restrain.

Played the DOTA nearly 3 years, liked regarding the hero transforming unceasingly, from DK which and big fish person just started, Bainiu to present habitually using hidden thorn, weekend, bat, was in fashion with the ant elder brother! Basically the DOTA majority heroes are familiar with. For all this, myself pace back and forth in the new military recruits level. Therefore, the following has not being able to write place to ask each position to show mercy, do not scold too certainly!

Since, this new military recruits have used these many heroes, only then ant (NW) gives me one kind of very convenient feeling! No matter the mobility or the output speed, are I see well (had thought personally ant's mobility has other flies shoes' hero to be stronger than on a spot, then time output speed and small black and is in fashion firepower is nearly equal)! But most important, is he shrinks, 4 levels shrink only then 120 spot injuries to look like apparent not high, but wins in shrinks the place the stealth effect and the CD time short and consumes the evil spirit to be low, oppresses others, the sneak attack, chases down and kills, escapes, rescues slow cannot leave shrinks the place 522 terminal velocity migration, in has not controlled the skill and under the counter-hidden condition, wants to kill the ant to have plants on difficulty with the blue sky feeling. If one does not pay attention, is had the possibility which by NW with C crosscut saw several matches free returns to the city! Possibly some people will say that my this author disregarded the devil, the burrow, neutrel of the fire female has killed the hero. Non-! I believed that although NW is also a crisp skin, but has plenty of such people with his equally crisp skin, do not forget the NW time to flow backwards, T next time to 5 seconds ago, if uses well, that does not have the shade not to have the trace. With NW, must use to mysteriously appear and disappear,(Related Articlessmocked children's clothes [Blog] Neotv. Zhouning), if turns the sea wicked flood dragon, enters the cloud to leap the dragon, must achieve sees not to see the tail. Changed the subject, spoke the straight talk! Simple spot, if monkey's mysteriously appearing and disappearing is refers to is confusing the enemy in public, that ant mysteriously appears and disappears is must achieve with the hidden thorn is the same, near permanent stealth in hidden place! Does not come out but, as soon as entered the stage is not frightens these crisp skin's enemy to tremble with fear is lets opposite party in chase down and kill died melancholy on the way! Certainly, must achieve mysteriously appears and disappears must achieve first knows other, how to know other? Ant's scarabaeus is the very good spy, provides the enemy the trend at the same time also to have the skill to control, moreover quantity also many, 8! If the numerous quantity's insects have not been able to enable you to grasp the match trend that only to be able to explain what you is really in new military recruits' new military recruits, that asked you not to play DOTA, changed plays some not to use the ponder the game! What but is most ruthless is the insect endures the evil spirit skill, so long as your technology suffices hardly, after supposing the trap, ambushes beforehand the match introduction in good insect, the small scope endures the evil spirit simultaneously to add on the injury, if master, then did not have companion's rescue is dies has decided that moreover in the trap, NW which half god installed the hero who was already lost in thought to installs does not see can result in inferior how many! Imagines, the insect drills one by one from explodes, you probably will have one kind to do one will have pulled lamp's feeling!

Also changed the subject, said proper, generally speaking, from very long before starts, ant's change was not big, what the attribute growth compares the soul and so on is in a gauge the moment hero, what but is fatal is his blood is too really low, 6 and the devil or the fire female put one big move basic already to hit the NW blood see the bottom, therefore I thought that the earlier period NW should support the blood, certainly, was not said that must leave the spoliator and so on mid and late part attire. Is goes out (the blood bottle 1+ trees blue by my general fighting method 1+ 1, then looked that the opposite heroic lineup and estimated hit who on that road the match is, looks that the situation leaves other, if just carried the pig, bat and so on is 3 branch +1 charm reels. If the devil, the fire female and so on attribute supports the blood to be blue, but is in fashion, the month rides and so on after the crisp skin leaves 2 +3 sensitive feet, gathers the poor devil shield, meets DK, roams about and so on +2 attribute again +1,2 blue), after my custom is the first poor devil shield, gathers an artificial leg. Said that the process, the earlier period installs (around 5~10 minutes): The artificial leg + poor devil shield +2 blood bottles +1 already gathered the good magic club (this dispensable), conservative estimate NW should 6 levels of ~9 levels, skill 2,3,4,1, if 10 levels of 0.1 levels 1 puts the river course to look at F, actually 1,2 skills are look at opposite lineup, if opposite has TF, the polygonum multiflorum this kind of Chang Zhuoren 1 level 2, the host rises 1 to make the eye, if your eye puts is good you the teammate to seize, then he is the pig, you might open scolded! To intermediate stage (10~16 minutes): Artificial leg + poor devil (either cutting edge) + demon (or illusory image) + crystal + magic club +2 blood bottles. Sufficed the dreadful words already to have 1 blood or several numbers of people, the poor devil already traded the cutting edge and the illusory image, this premise was the running free bureau has not died slightly has crossed does not raise. Later period (15~25 minutes): At this time basic was already a foregone conclusion, is not you oppresses others is the human presses you. The running free words were artificial leg + illusory image + cannon +HY (either blood essence or Jin Banghuo the butterfly) and have controlled the competition, was not smooth also has the illusory image + artificial leg + quartz. Basic I to 20 minutes about already was the artificial leg + illusory image + cannon + magic club +2,3 blood bottles, at this time basic had already finished, so long as the teammate is not a pig, fosters the god others, opposite was already projected on by you withdraws takes care of the household in the high ground! Certainly, half god's NW will also have will be melancholy, tried the once my teammate pig 12 minute the opposite scoter to raise Yang Daohe to fly the shoes also to prepare the ice armor, will remind him to select dreadfully is also cursed back by him, TMD will most dislike in this kind of trash scouring! Suggested that these people have a look at 10 big discipline which the new military recruits should look, otherwise do not play DOTA!

Also changed the subject again, returns to the original topic, the reason that does not leave HY to have the reason first, needs to know, the HY price is not low, the earlier period jumps ships out HY NW to be very frail, a devil referred to or a polygonum multiflorum double hit by KO, let alone by KO several times HY, the illusory image could not also be left, only if were the running free bureau, was suitable very much that kind, otherwise did not suggest that the HY. earlier period bought first blue and adds the leg + strength and the poor devil,weird gifts for kids, was mainly suppresses with C the match and supported the blood and A hero's time goes against dogface's attacking, notice earlier period several heroes has not receivedHas 7,8 C, if the opposite results in by C the blood to see from the very beginning yellow has not returned fully, but you also had 3,4 level of such 1 blood medium books are you take! As for the illusory image, that did not need saying that Canada attacked Canada to attack fast moreover confuses at the same time the enemy except to attach the powder the condition. The cannon is harvests the number of people not high the capital, the crystal fatality 6,7 only then 1 the fatality, the cannon is 3,4 1 fatal, did not need me to say! In addition does several things at the same time the attack, basically below 2000 blood put in an appearance in several already saw has lowered, according to person's directed thinking, he will want to run away, if he ran away teammate's place that you not to pursue! That feared that he returned to the water seepage quickly! Only if he is G, may see your that is the true body, if once had GB with the soul in quickly by KO time and I bring in new blood, at that time I just cropped up do several things at the same time, including attacked on has not been hit to his body on by him sees the red blood, that do not fluster, if flustered that you instead to kill! T returns to 5 seconds ago, dies dies, NW hits is a prometaphase, later period is not HY is plundering, the blood fine brace blood, several hundred very quick made, but must pay attention to the situation, what I said was the running free bureau, if were not running free, met SB teammate that not to cling to for dear life, hauled with the match, if you instead is also killed in Man Xue to the full blood's situation in that to prove that you not were also very inexpensive and dreadful, the psychology and the technology waited for strengthening! But the golden stick, some people said that can with 3 skill double hit counter-balances, not know is really, because my cannon basic already hit the match remnant or explodes directly the base! Several times has Jin Bang not to pay attention has been able to counter-balance the double hit! My alloy stick's reason is mainly favors Jin Bang making first move and getting control, the butterfly and HY needs to look at the situation equally to leave, the match is the PA and so on high physics injury is certainly suppresses also needs to suppress one to have the fending equipment, or supports with him attacks, who has a look at to output injures high, because the brace attacks basically represents the blood to be low, uses your 2 skill superiority and he consumes! Said these many, with NW nothing but is 3 character knacks, inexpensive,baby girls, entangles, including inexpensive, is the purport suffices dreadfully, the pro and con makes up the soldier, the match crops up I to use the C pressure, the opposite to disappear fortifies at every step, makes up knife's time braves the glans or has pulled runs about all over wildly! Entangles, is must cling to for dear life to the match hits rottenly, looks like the ghost to be haunted by the ghost equally, the match crops up with every effort projects on him meets the water seepage to go, the earlier period has the chicken he also to return, does not compensate the words he was your number of people! Including, was said that difficult also difficult to say easy also easy, was if wanted the means to let the match complete the order form, struck the match set's lineup disperses, then defeat in detail,children's clothes shops, as well as the entire audience continuous disturbance and chased down and killed! This very difficult to explain, because I study not earnestly, the literature level is not good, also how doesn't know to analyze, was in any case with many NW had known how to link! Finally most important has a look at the match to have the gem and Chang Chazhen the eye, this is very important, otherwise you will use NW to use very much melancholy! The most tail, the little brother is willing to listen in reverent attention each Lu Dashen appraisal! Many thanks!

DOTA burrow weaver's Shui You the attainment stops. Welcome to the DOTA sector participation discussion.

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